staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


nugget [05-Aug-2002 @ 17:17]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 17:17 +00:00

:: 05-Aug-2002 17:17 GMT (Monday) ::

Today will be upgrade day out here in Expect
brief outages on both the main website as well as on stats box
as I make world and reboot. We’re also planning on migrating statsbox
to apache2 (and by “we” I mean “paul”, naturally).

Thanks for your patience and understanding.


decibel [26-Jul-2002 @ 18:15]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 18:15 +00:00

:: 26-Jul-2002 18:15 GMT (Friday) ::

There was an anomaly in the RC5 logs yesterday which prevented the statsrun
from happening. I’ve fixed the problem so RC5 should do the daily run sometime
later tonight.


bovine [19-Jul-2002 @ 17:16]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 17:16 +00:00

:: 19-Jul-2002 17:16 GMT (Friday) ::

Some users have reported DNS problems sometimes resolving addresses
under * or *, because one of
our (several) secondary DNS servers was not properly syncing. The
ability to resolve such addresses would depend on which of our DNS
servers your machine happened to quasi-randomly select. It is now
believed that this problem has been corrected (subject to the timeouts
of your local DNS servers caching negative responses).


decibel [30-Jun-2002 @ 21:19]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 21:19 +00:00

:: 30-Jun-2002 21:19 GMT (Sunday) ::

I’m going to be upgrading the OS on blower, so stats will be down for a short


decibel [22-Jun-2002 @ 03:39]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 03:39 +00:00

:: 22-Jun-2002 03:39 GMT (Saturday) ::

I botched a manual run of rc5, so I’m rebuilding right now. I’ve turned stats
back on, but don’t believe team info for rc5.


decibel [20-Jun-2002 @ 12:08]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 12:08 +00:00

:: 20-Jun-2002 12:08 GMT (Thursday) ::

Sybase is unhappy right now so I’m removing some stats pages to try and

decibel [20-Jun-2002 @ 00:23]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 00:23 +00:00

:: 20-Jun-2002 00:23 GMT (Thursday) ::

The last several rc5 stats-runs have died due to a deadlock on the email
ranking table. To work around this problem, I’ve changed several stats pages
so that they will read uncommitted data. This will result in the possibility
of some odd numbers being displayed during the stats runs. So if you see odd
behavior, just wait a few minutes and refresh, it will probably go away.

On a related note, stats are slowly getting caught up. The rc5 run for the 17th
is almost done, and we should be caught up completely in two days.


decibel [18-Jun-2002 @ 10:42]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 10:42 +00:00

:: 18-Jun-2002 10:42 GMT (Tuesday) ::

RC5 hit a deadlock on the 14th, so that’s why nothing has happened since then.
I’m doing a manual run now, so stats might be up and down a bit.


paul [17-Jun-2002 @ 19:55]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 19:55 +00:00

:: 17-Jun-2002 19:55 GMT (Monday) ::

As a lot of you have noticed stats are currently behind.
Decibel who was looking at stats and posted a plan update on 13 june,
is away and is due back tomorrow.

Stats are unlikely to be run until decibel gets back and has had time to
look at them.

The stats pages are now running the new codebase, and although there are
still some issues to be resolved, seem to be running smoothly.

We had to remove one SQL query from the php pages which was causing sybase
problems, and are looking at the best way to fix this.

If anyone has any further issues or problems with the stats code, then you
can send an email to


decibel [13-Jun-2002 @ 00:41]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 00:41 +00:00

:: 13-Jun-2002 00:41 GMT (Thursday) ::

Looks like I need to do a manual run, so I’ll be turning stats off for awhile.
Should be back in an hour or so.

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