staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


bovine [16-Feb-2009 @ 07:39]

Filed under: project status @ 07:39 +00:00

:: 16-Feb-2009 07:39 GMT (Monday) ::

Howdy all,

We are now at 97% complete for OGR-26 and have fewer than 600 thousand
stubs left to go. This will likely take us less than a week, unless
you can round up some more folks to run dnetc on their computers!

As we approach the final days of this project, there will be periods
of time where no OGR-26 work is available from the network. These
occasional periods of unavailability occur because we want to avoid
re-issuing the remaining stubs too many times. This is not a cause for
concern, but if you don’t want your client to go idle, you should
verify that RC5-72 is enabled in your configuration files. (It is by

Once we have fully completed OGR-26, we will be able to officially
launch our next project, OGR-27. Since the new project relies on the
proven results of the previous project, we don’t want to launch OGR-27
while its predecessor is still in progress.

While we are all waiting for the new project to start, we invite you
to begin preparing your computers to participate in the new project.
To work on OGR-27, you will need to be using the v2.9103 client for
your architecture. If you run a personal proxy, you should upgrade to
build 347. You can find these new versions on our official download
page at

We thank you for your continuing support and enthusiasm as we look
forward to this exciting new project.

Moo! ]:8)


mikereed [29-Jan-2009 @ 03:24]

Filed under: project status @ 03:24 +00:00

:: 29-Jan-2009 03:24 GMT (Thursday) ::

Dear friends,

We are proud to announce that we have now completed 75% of the work necessary
to prove OGR-26 is optimal. The project is expected to complete within the next
few weeks, and we have already started preparations towards that project’s
successor. More details will be provided in the near future.

As you know, we recently published some pre-release clients that allowed our
early-adopters running high-speed hardware platforms to make use of larger
RC5-72 packets. As a part of this testing, our users have helped us to discover
that there is a bug in our stats tabulation code that counts these larger
packets as only one stats unit. We are fortunate that no stats credit has been
permanently lost. We will be correcting the bug and re-tabulating the affected
logs shortly.

As part of introducing large RC5-72 packets, we needed to update our proxy
systems to handle them. Unfortunately, a bug present in proxy build 346
invalidated a small number of work units by distributing blocks from subspaces
other than “CB”. This was spotted and resolved very quickly and we do not
expect that very many users received these invalid RC5-72 packets.

We thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. We particularly
appreciate the work of early-adopters that are willing to help us test our
pre-release software and give rapid feedback.

Moo! ]:8)


snikkel [27-Jan-2009 @ 18:47]

Filed under: clients @ 18:47 +00:00

:: 27-Jan-2009 18:47 GMT (Tuesday) ::

An updated tarball of our public source is now available at

This includes the work to improve the CUDA platform, initial work on the AMD
STREAM platform, as well as many different bug fixes and feature improvements.
See the change log in the docs directory for additional details.

bovine [27-Jan-2009 @ 05:22]

Filed under: clients,keyservers @ 05:22 +00:00

:: 27-Jan-2009 05:22 GMT (Tuesday) ::

We’ve started upgrading our keyservers to build 347 of our proxy
software so that we can now offer large-sized blocks for rc5-72. This
will allow our clients to waste less time during network transfers and
block transitions. The need for this feature has become increasingly
apparent as our clients have become increasingly faster, particularly
on CellBE, CUDA, and ATI Stream hardware.

The first clients to support this will be version 2.9103-509, which
are just beginning to appear on the pre-release page for testing by
early adopters. The client has a new configuration option to allow
the preferred blocksize to be specified (a larger default blocksize is
automatically used for those three hardware platforms). While version
2.9103-509 is the first to officially allow configuration of the
blocksize, we are able to silently offer slightly larger blocks (size
16) to previously released clients on those three platforms as long
as the client is communicating with a proxy of build 347 or higher.

When the client connects to a keyserver or a personal proxy of build
347 or higher, the server will make a “best-effort” attempt to give
the client blocks of that size. If the server only has larger blocks,
then the server will try to automatically split a block to match the
request. The server cannot combine smaller blocks into larger ones.

Although the new clients and proxies are still only available on the
prerelease page for testing by early-adopters, we appreciate the
patience of those who would prefer to wait until the testing of these
clients are completed and they are moved to the official release page.

Thanks for your attention and participation!
Moo ]:8)


mikereed [23-Jan-2009 @ 01:30]

Filed under: clients @ 01:30 +00:00

:: 23-Jan-2009 01:30 GMT (Friday) ::

The CUDA client betas have expired. They will no longer function if you try
to run them. We will be releasing new versions in due course, but I am unable
to estimate at the present time when that will be. We thank you for your
continuing support.


mikereed [12-Jan-2009 @ 22:57]

Filed under: clients,project status @ 22:57 +00:00

:: 12-Jan-2009 22:57 GMT (Monday) ::

Dear friends,

We are pleased to announce that we passed 50% of OGR-26 completion on January
4, 2009. We thank you for your help in reaching this milestone.

We have just promoted a new set of clients from the pre-release page to the
official release page. These include clients with a faster OGR core which takes
advantage of MMX instructions for a 30% speedup. As usual, you can find them

The list of updated platforms includes:

* Linux [ARM/ELF] v2.9102.508
* Linux [ARM/eabi] v2.9102.508
* Linux [CellBE] v2.9102.508b
* FreeBSD [7.x/x86/ELF] v2.9102.508
* FreeBSD [6.x/x86/ELF] v2.9102.508
* FreeBSD [4.x/x86/ELF] v2.9102.508
* NetBSD [x86] v2.9102.508
* NetBSD [MIPSEL/ELF] v2.9102.508
* OpenBSD [x86/ELF] v2.9102.508
* OS/2 [x86] v2.9102.508
* PC-DOS, MS-DOS [x86] v2.9102.508
* Windows 32bit [x86/Zipped] v2.9102.508b
* Windows 32bit [x86/Installer] v2.9102.508b
* Solaris/SunOS [x86] v2.9102.508
* BeOS [Haiku/x86] v2.9102.508
* BeOS [x86] v2.9102.508
* Acorn RISC OS [ARM] v2.9102.508

Our work on clients for graphics cards is continuing. Our CUDA client for
nVidia cards is in public beta testing, while a core for new ATI cards is due
to enter closed testing shortly.

We also have new clients in public beta testing. You should only run these if
you have the time and inclination to monitor them regularly, as they may be
removed at short notice.

* Mac OS X/Darwin [x86] v2.9103.509
* Mac OS X/Darwin [PPC] v2.9103.509
* Linux [ARM/ELF] v2.9103.509
* Linux [ARM/eabi] v2.9103.509
* Acorn RISC OS [ARM] v2.9103.509

Moo! ]:8)


snikkel [11-Jan-2009 @ 20:16]

Filed under: keyservers @ 20:16 +00:00

:: 11-Jan-2009 20:16 GMT (Sunday) ::

We experienced a temporary misconfiguration on one of the full proxy servers
in the network yesterday. This had the undesirable affect of notifying clients
and personal proxies that the OGR-NG contest was closed. This is not the
case. Clients and proxy servers that connected to this server may need to be
restarted in order to continue working on the OGR-NG contest. We apologize for
any inconvenience this may cause.


chrisj [03-Jan-2009 @ 21:01]

Filed under: stats @ 21:01 +00:00

:: 03-Jan-2009 21:01 GMT (Saturday) ::

Stats has now been updated to include node rate graphs for OGR-NG.

You can find the graphs at, or by clicking on the
history link from the OGR stats page

Moo! ]:8)


mikereed [18-Dec-2008 @ 18:56]

Filed under: stats @ 18:56 +00:00

:: 18-Dec-2008 18:56 GMT (Thursday) ::

Our stats system has not been updating since December 13th. We are working to
resolve this and will post a further update in due course. We apologise for
any inconvenience this may cause.


bovine [22-Nov-2008 @ 22:38]

Filed under: clients,project status @ 22:38 +00:00

:: 22-Nov-2008 22:38 GMT (Saturday) ::

We’ve just promoted a new set of OGR-NG capable clients from the
pre-release page to the official release page. As usual, you can find
them at:

The list of updated platforms includes:
* MorphOS [PPC] v2.9101.507c
* AmigaOS [PPC/WarpOS] v2.9101.507
* AmigaOS [PPC/PowerUp] v2.9101.507
* AmigaOS [m68k] v2.9101.507
* AmigaOS [PPC/OS4] v2.9101.507b
* Solaris/SunOS [AMD64] v2.9101.507
* Solaris/SunOS [Sparc64] v2.9101.507
* Solaris/SunOS [Sparc/Ultrasparc] v2.9101.507
* Solaris/SunOS [x86] v2.9101.507
* OpenBSD [x86/ELF] v2.9101.507
* OpenBSD [AMD64/ELF] v2.9101.507
* FreeBSD [6.x/x86/ELF] v2.9101.507
* FreeBSD [4.x/x86/ELF] v2.9101.507
* FreeBSD [Sparc64/ELF] v2.9101.507
* FreeBSD [7.x/AMD64/ELF] v2.9101.507
* FreeBSD [6.x/AMD64/ELF] v2.9101.507
* FreeBSD [7.x/x86/ELF] v2.9101.507
* Linux [AMD64/ELF] v2.9101.507
* Linux [CellBE] v2.9101.507
* Linux [x86/ELF] v2.9101.507
* OS/2 [x86] v2.9101.507
* Mac OS X/Darwin [PPC/OS X] v2.9101.507
* Mac OS X/Darwin [x86] v2.9101.507
* PC-DOS, MS-DOS [x86] v2.9101.507
* Windows 32bit [x86/Zipped] v2.9101.507b
* Windows 32bit [x86/Installer] v2.9101.507c

There are also some new OGR-NG capable personal proxies available for
download on the official proxy download page:

We’re working on updates for some of the remaining platforms (like
NetBSD and OpenBSD) plus some exciting new ones (like nVidia CUDA), so
look forward to future announcements. Feel free to contact our
friendly support crew at if
you have any questions. Bug reports should be entered at or through our support crew.

In other news, we are already more than 10% complete with OGR-26 since
we started it almost one month ago! We may finish the project in
early 2009 at this rate. You can view the OGR-26 progress at:

Thanks again for your participation! MOO!

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