staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


bovine [26-May-2004 @ 05:23]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 05:23 +00:00

:: 26-May-2004 05:23 GMT (Wednesday) ::

Several more release-candidate clients have been uploaded to the
pre-release download page including clients for FreeBSD/x86,
AIX/Power, AIX/PowerPC, and the four AmigaOS flavors. See the page


decibel [24-May-2004 @ 16:48]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 16:48 +00:00

:: 24-May-2004 16:48 GMT (Monday) ::

I’m re-running OGR stats starting with 5/09 to combine both P1 and P2 results.
You might see some odd behavior while I’m setting up to do this.

bovine [24-May-2004 @ 03:37]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 03:37 +00:00

:: 24-May-2004 03:37 GMT (Monday) ::

Several new clients have been promoted to released clients page:
NeXT/OS [m68k], NeXT/OS [x86], SGI IRIX [6.5/MIPS/64],
SGI IRIX [6.5/MIPS/n32], Linux [PPC], OS/2 [x86]
You can find complete list of released clients ordered by date at:

Updated pre-release clients have been made available for MorphOS and
MacOS X on

The banner pages at have been
finally updated to the new website template. Some of the older
banners that were specific to older projects have also been removed.


nugget [22-May-2004 @ 15:38]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:38 +00:00

:: 22-May-2004 15:38 GMT (Saturday) ::

iGive seems to be back with a frenzy. If you’ll recall,
was able to raise a lot of money through iGive shopping in the earlier
years of the organization. It looks like iGive is back after a period of
inactivity and they’re offering their $5 per new referral bonus again.

If you want a free way to help us recover from the statsbox purchase, click
over to and sign up (or refresh
your old membership). Basically how it works is that if you are an iGive
member and you make an online purchase with one of the partner merchants, gets a tax-free percentage of the purchase price at no cost
to you.

Merchants include Dell, Barnes and Noble, and OfficeMax.

In any event, enjoy the weekend and get your clients upgraded to the OGRp2
builds! ]:8)


floppus [16-May-2004 @ 01:45]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 01:45 +00:00

:: 16-May-2004 01:45 GMT (Sunday) ::

OGR Phase 1 has been completed for both OGR-24 and OGR-25! From now on, OGR-P1
work will no longer be accepted and counted. Participants who have already done
OGR-P2 work will see their work done in the past few days credited soon.

Many thanks to all of you who have donated their CPU power to get us this far.
-but- The search isn’t over!

New clients have been put online a few days ago that enable searching stubs
with leading marks of >= 70 which was not possible due to technical reasons
before. These clients are now available at
To be able to participate in the second phase of OGR (OGR-P2) for both OGR-24
and OGR-25 it is required to install this new client.

Participants making use of personal proxies should also upgrade their proxies
(see download location mentioned above) to be able to provide their clients
with OGR-P2. Note that these proxies will not be able to connect to proxy
versions <341, even if it is for RC5.

Please help us in the continued search and install the new client today! For
more information about OGR in general, visit


bovine [15-May-2004 @ 21:38]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 21:38 +00:00

:: 15-May-2004 21:38 GMT (Saturday) ::

I have started moving some of the more mature v2.9008.490
release-candidate clients to the official release page.
These new clients support OGRp2 and RC5-72 processing.

As decibel mentioned in his plan yesterday, the “OGR classic”
project will be closed and work will no longer be accepted for
it as of May 16 00:00:00 UTC 2004.


decibel [14-May-2004 @ 10:17]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 10:17 +00:00

:: 14-May-2004 10:17 GMT (Friday) ::

Sometime today we will be closing the OGR-P1 contest. Once that is done work
will no longer be accepted. Additionally, clients will stop working on OGR
after they connect and are told that -P1 is closed.


bovine [11-May-2004 @ 22:31]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 22:31 +00:00

:: 11-May-2004 22:31 GMT (Tuesday) ::

There were some back-logged RC5-72 blocks that had been slowly
accumulating on some of our fullservers. Those blocks have been
pushed through and should be represented on today’s stats. The
flushing of the backlog has also created a noticeable surge in our
RC5-72 rate for today, so do not be alarmed. You can see this in the
graphs at

We are now slowing down (and soon halting) distribution of
“OGR classic” stubs, in order to allow the outstanding workunits
to have an opportunity to be completed, returned, and counted.

We will probably halt “OGR classic” entirely and discontinue
acceptance of its results in a couple of days, so it is not
recommended that these remaining stubs be kept too long before
flushing (or you may not get credit for them).

As Decibel has mentioned, the OGRp2 stats will be combined with the
existing OGR project stats so you will not have to worry about losing
your current ranking placements.

decibel [11-May-2004 @ 18:05]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 18:05 +00:00

:: 11-May-2004 18:05 GMT (Tuesday) ::

For those wondering about what to do with existing clients since the client
version required for OGR-P2 is still in beta:

You can do nothing. Once we verify that OGR-P1 is complete we’ll turn OGR off.
Clients will stop attempting to do OGR-P1 work when they connect. If RC5 is
enabled, the client will run RC5; if RC5 is disabled, the client will go idle.

You can download the beta client. Many people are already running it and so far
no bugs have been reported.

You can disable OGR in old clients. After today or tomorrow we will stop
accepting work from them anyway.

decibel [11-May-2004 @ 11:46]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 11:46 +00:00

:: 11-May-2004 11:46 GMT (Tuesday) ::

Actually, I take back part of my last .plan. }:8)

I’ve figured out a way to give credit for OGR-P2 work that’s been done so far.
It’s a manual process though, so it will be a day or two before I can do it.

OGR-P1 work will no longer be credited after today though, since we should
be 100% finished with OGR-P1 by now (we’ll know for certain after tonight’s
OGR-verify run).

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