staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


jt [10-Jun-2002 @ 17:05]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 17:05 +00:00

:: 10-Jun-2002 17:05 GMT (Monday) ::

For Sony PlayStation 2 users:

Yes, Linux[mips/PS2] is the first client for PlayStation 2!

The RC5 core is mips-crunch.cpp.
Special thanks to Michael Mallory,
-pedantic solution was discovered by him.
I didn’t change mips-crunch.cpp
because it might make an influence to other platform.

It’s *REQUIRED* “Linux for PlayStation 2” kit.
There is no method which runs it without this kit.
You may think it’s able to boot from PS2 Memory Card, but it’s impossible.
PS2 Linux (or any unix variants for PS2) is booted
only from the Runtime Environment in Disk1.
Therefore, if you don’t have this kit, please purchase it!

(for Japanese: We can’t buy it now.
See )

If you have PS2Linux, you can run it without HDD(or BB) unit. (written by Japanese language)
Install ps2linux-boot-ntsc.tar.gz and dnetc to /mnt/MC00.

Once you do it,
you may install the “Final Fantasy XI online” to HDD :-)
Both “Linux for PlayStation 2” and “PlayStation2 BB Unit” are
kiting the same HDD and Ethernet unit.

Please feel free comments to me (language available: English and Japanese)



decibel [08-Jun-2002 @ 22:07]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 22:07 +00:00

:: 08-Jun-2002 22:07 GMT (Saturday) ::

There was a master outage yesterday that resulted in uncompressed logs. Until
this is fixed by one of the master operators, stats won’t be updating.

bovine [08-Jun-2002 @ 01:26]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 01:26 +00:00

:: 08-Jun-2002 01:26 GMT (Saturday) ::

Moose updated some new clients on June 3rd on the pre-release download
page, at The
updated clients include:

* Win32 [x86/Zipped] v2.8018.472b 2002-06-03
* Win32 [x86/Setup] v2.8018.472b 2002-06-03
* Windows 3.x [x86] v2.8018.472b 2002-06-03
* PC-DOS, MS-DOS [x86] v2.8018.472b 2002-06-03
* Linux [x86/ELF] v2.8018.472b 2002-06-03
* Linux [mips/PS2] v2.8018.472b 2002-06-03

This week there have been some routing issues with our two keyservers
in Redwood City, CA ( and There is a large backlog of
blocks sitting on both of these machines, which accounts for why some
participant stats may have been low this week. The routing issue
appears to be fixed now, but it may take a day or so for everything to
get caught up again.

I’ve also just relocated my photo gallery, from under
my personal web space, to a more officially named virtual host. You
can now find these pictures (of primarily staff and
other miscellaneous images) under


decibel [07-Jun-2002 @ 23:36]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 23:36 +00:00

:: 07-Jun-2002 23:36 GMT (Friday) ::

Wewps. OGR statsrun died last night and I didn’t notice until just now. Problem
is fixed and OGR is running manually right now. After it’s done I’ll turn the
automagic stuff back on and everything should be caught up again in a few

Also, in case it hasn’t been mentioned, we had some problems with two
fullproxies which resulted in them backing up a lot of work. This resulted in
low work counts for the past several days. The problem is now fixed, and the
proxies are busy cramming the work they had back-logged into the master, so
everything should be back to normal after tomorrow.


decibel [03-Jun-2002 @ 21:57]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 21:57 +00:00

:: 03-Jun-2002 21:57 GMT (Monday) ::

Well, I think we’ve got the two bad pages weeded out. One is the CPU/OS
distribution page, the other is (unfortunately) the participant summary page.
Paul’s disabled the CPU/OS stats for RC5, and psummary was disabled (read as: I
rm’d the file) for a while. I’ve put psummary back and it seems to be not too
bad for now. I’m going to go ahead and let stats run again and we’ll see what
happens. We should have everything sorted out in the next few days.

paul [03-Jun-2002 @ 18:11]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 18:11 +00:00

:: 03-Jun-2002 18:11 GMT (Monday) ::


Firstly, as some of you may know I’ve been helping out with
for a while now with the php and with mail.

I’m going to be taken stats down for hopefully a short period to look at
migrating the php code to the single codebase that decibel has previously i

We have moved stuff around quite a bit in doing this. If you do discover
problems with the new pages, which you’d like to discuss/inform us of,
then please email me at

I’ll post a plan update later on once I’ve finished with the stats pages.

decibel [03-Jun-2002 @ 16:51]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 16:51 +00:00

:: 03-Jun-2002 16:51 GMT (Monday) ::

Well, we’re on the new system, but something is running *really* slowly. We’ll
be yanking things one-by-one to determine what’s causing the problem, so expect
some strange behavior (ie: broken links) while we track this down.

decibel [03-Jun-2002 @ 09:01]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 09:01 +00:00

:: 03-Jun-2002 09:01 GMT (Monday) ::

Sorry for the rc5 stats outage. Paul should be getting the new rc5 stats up
today (hopefully in a few hours), so everyone should be able to slake their
thirst for stats at that time.


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