staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


decibel [27-Sep-2003 @ 13:05]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 13:05 +00:00

:: 27-Sep-2003 13:05 GMT (Saturday) ::

We’ve been getting reports of missing work. There are currently several
full-proxies that have not communicated with the master for some time. Some of
these may still be accepting work from clients, which means the work is piling
up at the full-proxy.

I’ve notified Bovine, hopefully things will be running smoothly again very


nerf [17-Sep-2003 @ 11:15]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 11:15 +00:00

:: 17-Sep-2003 11:15 GMT (Wednesday) ::

Just a note to let everyone know I’m alive, too. I’ve been working on
getting ogr-verify to run in incremental mode. That is, only touching
what has changed since the previous day. While this makes the code a
bit more complex, it should save us several hours of processing per

As a test, I’ll be running the scripts against the logs from the
beginning of OGR, which should give us some interesting graphs.

As always, if there’s something you would like to see, drop me an
email or, better yet, send a patch.


decibel [16-Sep-2003 @ 20:11]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 20:11 +00:00

:: 16-Sep-2003 20:11 GMT (Tuesday) ::

Just an update to let everyone know I’m still alive.

I’ve been hoping to grab Paul and/or TheJet so they could keep an eye on things
when we turn the editing functions back on. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able
to catch them.

If I can’t grab them soon I’ll cross my fingers and turn the stuff on. I’m
tired of the impaired state of stats.


decibel [08-Sep-2003 @ 18:49]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 18:49 +00:00

:: 08-Sep-2003 18:49 GMT (Monday) ::

Well, stats are finally back up. Blower is re-running logs starting from July
13th and it should be caught up in a few days. There’s currently an issue with
participant history being very slow, but I’m hoping that updating some index
statistics will solve that problem.


decibel [07-Sep-2003 @ 11:02]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 11:02 +00:00

:: 07-Sep-2003 11:02 GMT (Sunday) ::

I’m in the process of restoring an older copy of the stats database; I’m not
sure how long it will take, though.

decibel [07-Sep-2003 @ 02:50]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 02:50 +00:00

:: 07-Sep-2003 02:50 GMT (Sunday) ::

I’m restoring a backup of the stats database; stats will be un-available until
this is done. Sorry for the inconvenience.


decibel [06-Sep-2003 @ 22:18]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 22:18 +00:00

:: 06-Sep-2003 22:18 GMT (Saturday) ::

It looks like the fix I tried to correct for case-sensitive emails didn’t work.
Rather than trying to fix my fix, I’m going to restore from an early backup and
roll stats forward from there. At this point I think we’ve worked out all the
bugs, so rolling forward should go much faster than it was before; I hope to be
caught up again by Tuesday.

bovine [06-Sep-2003 @ 17:00]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 17:00 +00:00

:: 06-Sep-2003 17:00 GMT (Saturday) ::

There is a new Solaris-x86 client on the pre-release download page.

bovine [06-Sep-2003 @ 16:51]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 16:51 +00:00

:: 06-Sep-2003 16:51 GMT (Saturday) ::

Just a few notes about ongoing maintenance:

– has been upgraded to use ViewCVS instead
of CVSWeb. This fixes a number of bugs (such as annotate not
working) and offers new functionality, such as cvsgraph imaging.

– Last week the fetch@ and flush@ email block services were updated to
filter their inputs through SpamAssassin and make use of some
procmail filters to allow a bulk of the spam/worm messages to be
ignored. This should hopefully reduce the amount of emails that
random people have been seeing due to forged “From” headers.

– Last week, unfortunately also due to increased spam/worm mails, the
help@ address was updated to no longer automatically pass messages
through to the help desk mailbox. Upon mailing that address, you
will receive a reply that includes some common answers, and a
description of where you should send your message if you have a
question that is still not answered.


thejet [05-Sep-2003 @ 15:54]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:54 +00:00

:: 05-Sep-2003 15:54 GMT (Friday) ::

Welcome to my first .plan entry!

We’ve been hammering away at the stats PostgreSQL conversion
and part of that conversion has lead to the production of some
XML-based data export functions. We’ve placed these files out
on the stats server on an experimental basis, sort of a public
RFC on the schema being used. Please feel free to comment on
the structure and make suggestions here:

XML “meta-bug”.

The new pages can be found here:

We look forward to your comments!

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