staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


decibel [11-May-2004 @ 11:35]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 11:35 +00:00

:: 11-May-2004 11:35 GMT (Tuesday) ::

As bovine mentioned in his .plan, we’re ready to cut over to the second phase
of OGR. Starting at 00:00 GMT, stats credit will be given for OGR-P2 work and
not OGR-P1 work. Unfortunately we can’t give credit for both at the same time,
so OGR-P2 work submitted today will not show up in stats.


bovine [09-May-2004 @ 14:10]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 14:10 +00:00

:: 09-May-2004 14:10 GMT (Sunday) ::

As some people may have noticed, the percentage complete for phase 1
of OGR25 will soon be approaching 100%. Within the next week or so,
we will be halting “OGR classic” (for both OGR24 and OGR25) and
launching OGRp2 (phase 2 of both OGR24 and OGR25).

The second phase of the project will continue searching of the
left-over stubs that were intentionally excluded from the original
“OGR classic” search-space, due to original concerns about having
enough network capacity to efficiently handle the large numbers
extremely small stubs. OGRp2 addresses this issue by instructing each
client to search the many “micro”-stubs that exist within a large
stub-range and return the combined search as a single result. It is
expected that OGRp2 should take less time to complete than “OGR
classic” did for phase 1.

Due to the nature of this new search logic, new clients and proxies
will be needed in order to participate in OGRp2. Once “OGR classic”
is shut off, any old clients will only participate in RC5-72 if that
project has been left enabled on your client, otherwise your old
clients will shutdown and go idle.

Client version 2.9008-490 is the minimum version that will support
OGRp2. Personal Proxy build 341 is the minimum that will support the
OGRp2 project. Updated client and proxy binaries will become
available on the pre-release page for experienced users who wish to
help by becoming early testers of OGRp2. Please report any issues you
discover with the client and proxy in our bugzilla database.
Depending on the severity of any possible problems discovered in the
pre-release binaries, it may be necessary to discard these early OGRp2
results however we are not expecting that to occur.

Formal project announcement, stats availability, general release of
clients/proxies will occur after a few days of pre-release testing on
these new binaries has elapsed and we are satisfied that there are no
blocking issues.


nerf [21-Apr-2004 @ 15:27]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:27 +00:00

:: 21-Apr-2004 15:27 GMT (Wednesday) ::

A word or two on the status of ogr-verification. As you know, We’re
having to restore from backups as of February. Unfortunately, when that
backup was taken, there was a problem and the ogr-ver data was not up to
date. The end result is that we have several months of logs to go
though to catch up.

I haven’t been able to do many test runs without something else running
on the box, but it looks like it’s going to be quite a bit faster than
the old box. It’s taking around 2-2.5 hours to process a day now, which
is already an improvement and stats are still catching up, so we’re
competing for I/O.


decibel [18-Apr-2004 @ 22:28]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 22:28 +00:00

:: 18-Apr-2004 22:28 GMT (Sunday) ::

The restore is done and fritz is now churning through log files. I’m about to
turn apache back on. Something to keep in mind is that many user changes take
effect on the log date that the change was made. So if you retired an account
or joined a team on March 3rd, you won’t see the change take effect until the
daily stats run for March 3rd.

decibel [18-Apr-2004 @ 15:40]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:40 +00:00

:: 18-Apr-2004 15:40 GMT (Sunday) ::

Ooops. Looks like we forgot to restore an incremental backup from just before
the crash. In order to restore that backup and have it take effect, all changes
participants have made since fritz went online well unfortunately be lost. We
will also have to re-run all stats for the past two months or so, which will
take a few days.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


decibel [17-Apr-2004 @ 00:03]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 00:03 +00:00

:: 17-Apr-2004 00:03 GMT (Saturday) ::

Stats are back up, but fritz (the new statsbox) is currently having some issues
with sending mail. Because of this, the mail me your password button won’t be
of much use.


bovine [16-Apr-2004 @ 23:30]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 23:30 +00:00

:: 16-Apr-2004 23:30 GMT (Friday) ::

Ok, the new statsbox should now be online and accessible at the usual after the DNS changes finish
circulating. Although it is believed that everything is caught up and
working, there may be some minor issues still remaining so be patient.


nugget [11-Apr-2004 @ 14:51]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 14:51 +00:00

:: 11-Apr-2004 14:51 GMT (Sunday) ::

The new statsbox is built out and I’ve got the backup of the statsdb loaded
and audited. Apache and PHP are up and running and I’ve got our admin
scripts loaded and going.

I’ve done some preliminary tuning of PostgreSQL and I’m not seeing any
disk-based sort_memory used during the normal stats processing process.

Some timing comparisons between blower and the new box:

Sample run from blower’s logs (45 minutes total):
00:49 (statsbox-iii/r72) Beginning daily processing routines
01:10 (statsbox-iii/r72) Daily processing for 20040121 has completed
01:10 (statsbox-iii/ogr) Beginning daily processing routines
01:34 (statsbox-iii/ogr) Daily processing for 20040121 has completed

On the new box (9 minutes total):
19:40 (statsbox-iv/r72) Beginning daily processing routines
19:46 (statsbox-iv/r72) Daily processing for 20040205 has completed
19:46 (statsbox-iv/ogr) Beginning daily processing routines
19:49 (statsbox-iv/ogr) Daily processing for 20040205 has completed

I’m seeing raw hourly log import times in the 20-30 second range. Overall
it’s taking the new box ~32 minutes to import an entire day’s worth of logs
for both projects combined.

This is giving us a total daily processing time of 41 minutes with log
saturation from the keymaster. At that rate, stats should be current
before too long.

Thanks again for your patience, everyone. We’re plugging away at getting
this box up and available again.


nugget [07-Apr-2004 @ 16:47]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 16:47 +00:00

:: 07-Apr-2004 16:47 GMT (Wednesday) ::

The new statsbox has arrived from — It’s plugged in and I’ve
got FreeBSD installed and running (albeit a bit bare at the moment). We’re
just going to chug through getting everything running and our data loaded into
the database over the next day or so. Assuming everything goes smoothly, we’ll
have stats back up in short order.

Front view, times two, open and closed:

Top down, deconstructed:

It’s a sweet little box (but loud!)

Mem: 15M Active, 375M Inact, 150M Wired, 32K Cache, 199M Buf, 3231M Free
Swap: 8192M Total, 8192M Free

Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/twed0s1a 989M 25M 885M 3% /
devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
/dev/twed0s1g 40G 1.4M 37G 0% /home
/dev/twed0s1e 3.9G 12K 3.6G 0% /tmp
/dev/twed0s1f 97G 893M 88G 1% /usr
/dev/twed1s1d 541G 4.0K 498G 0% /usr/local/raid10
/dev/twed0s1d 31G 862K 29G 0% /var

CPU: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 244 (1793.33-MHz K8-class CPU)
Origin = “AuthenticAMD” Id = 0xf58 Stepping = 8
AMD Features=0xe0500000
real memory = 4211015680 (4015 MB)
avail memory = 4006965248 (3821 MB)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs


nugget [02-Apr-2004 @ 09:49]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 09:49 +00:00

:: 02-Apr-2004 09:49 GMT (Friday) ::

Last night BovineOne brought the old, dead statsbox over to my house to see
what I could do with it. Moose has already exhausted all the recovery
options I’d know about (and quite a few more, I’m sure) with no luck.

I thought maybe I could at least get Knoppix booted up so I could get dnetc
going again, but had little luck. Knoppix panics trying to probe the SCSI

At the very least I’ll be able to pull the database dump off the DLT,
although I think that it’s older than the copy I’m working with currently
from Decibel. for a pic of Slacker NOC,
if anyone’s curious.

As far as I know, we’re still looking at a Tuesday ship date on the new
server. I’ve asked if that date could be pushed up, but no word yet from
the vendor.

Lastly, I got bored yesterday and coded up an RSS feed of .plans. which is
available at or on
LiveJournal at


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