:: 07-Nov-2004 23:36 GMT (Sunday) ::
Sorry for the lack of stats updates. I’m having trouble with some new code; I
should have it fixed tonight or tomorrow.
distributed.net staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.
:: 07-Nov-2004 23:36 GMT (Sunday) ::
Sorry for the lack of stats updates. I’m having trouble with some new code; I
should have it fixed tonight or tomorrow.
:: 24-Aug-2004 12:49 GMT (Tuesday) ::
It looks like OGR work for 8/22 may have been credited twice, so I’m backing
that work out and re-running stats.
:: 24-Aug-2004 02:29 GMT (Tuesday) ::
I think I’ve finally got stats straightened out. The problem started when new
teams were being created and marked not to be shown. That was fixed, and the
teams created that way were changed so that they would be shown. Unfortunately,
statsrun didn’t properly handle it.
In any case, it should be caught up in an hour or two. Sorry for the delay.
:: 24-May-2004 16:48 GMT (Monday) ::
I’m re-running OGR stats starting with 5/09 to combine both P1 and P2 results.
You might see some odd behavior while I’m setting up to do this.
:: 14-May-2004 10:17 GMT (Friday) ::
Sometime today we will be closing the OGR-P1 contest. Once that is done work
will no longer be accepted. Additionally, clients will stop working on OGR
after they connect and are told that -P1 is closed.
:: 11-May-2004 18:05 GMT (Tuesday) ::
For those wondering about what to do with existing clients since the client
version required for OGR-P2 is still in beta:
You can do nothing. Once we verify that OGR-P1 is complete we’ll turn OGR off.
Clients will stop attempting to do OGR-P1 work when they connect. If RC5 is
enabled, the client will run RC5; if RC5 is disabled, the client will go idle.
You can download the beta client. Many people are already running it and so far
no bugs have been reported.
You can disable OGR in old clients. After today or tomorrow we will stop
accepting work from them anyway.
:: 11-May-2004 11:46 GMT (Tuesday) ::
Actually, I take back part of my last .plan. }:8)
I’ve figured out a way to give credit for OGR-P2 work that’s been done so far.
It’s a manual process though, so it will be a day or two before I can do it.
OGR-P1 work will no longer be credited after today though, since we should
be 100% finished with OGR-P1 by now (we’ll know for certain after tonight’s
OGR-verify run).
:: 11-May-2004 11:35 GMT (Tuesday) ::
As bovine mentioned in his .plan, we’re ready to cut over to the second phase
of OGR. Starting at 00:00 GMT, stats credit will be given for OGR-P2 work and
not OGR-P1 work. Unfortunately we can’t give credit for both at the same time,
so OGR-P2 work submitted today will not show up in stats.
:: 18-Apr-2004 22:28 GMT (Sunday) ::
The restore is done and fritz is now churning through log files. I’m about to
turn apache back on. Something to keep in mind is that many user changes take
effect on the log date that the change was made. So if you retired an account
or joined a team on March 3rd, you won’t see the change take effect until the
daily stats run for March 3rd.
:: 18-Apr-2004 15:40 GMT (Sunday) ::
Ooops. Looks like we forgot to restore an incremental backup from just before
the crash. In order to restore that backup and have it take effect, all changes
participants have made since fritz went online well unfortunately be lost. We
will also have to re-run all stats for the past two months or so, which will
take a few days.
Sorry for the inconvenience.