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OGR-28 status update

Filed under: clients,project status @ 18:14 +00:00

When I last wrote a blog update just before Thanksgiving, I noted that there were just over 9,000 of us working together on OGR-28, and asked that you tell your friends about our work. I am humbled at the response. In a little over 3 months, some 5,000 people have joined us. We are grateful for all of your contributions.

We can now support Android 5 (Lollipop) with the help of our friends at the yoyo@home BOINC project. If you have a new smartphone or tablet, be sure to check them out.

We have also verified that dnetc works on the Raspberry Pi 2, thanks to our friend Pete Wilcock. It’s a great little computer and a good place to start with Linux if you have any concerns about practising with it on your primary computer. If you are handy at coding in NEON, we would love to hear from you. Pete has also run some experiments with dnetc on the Amazon cloud service. Look him upĀ :)

A little over a week ago, we passed the first anniversary of the OGR-28 project, and just a few days ago, we passed 5% completion. Stick around; there is still quite a bit of work to do!
