staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


Integer boundaries

Filed under: stats,Uncategorized — Tags: , , , @ 15:31 +00:00

So, stats hit a milestone of sorts. We’re got a team that has now done 2^63 keys in rc5. This has overflowed the column that it was stored in.

The temporary solution is to increase these columns to NUMERIC(25), which is 10^25. This gives us over a million times more storage until we get a more “correct” solution, which is to store stats units in the database. But that requires more work, and we’re looking to get things up as quickly as possible.

We apologize for the downtime but we didn’t realize how good you guys are!

Stats interruption due to overflow

Filed under: stats @ 04:54 +00:00

It seems that we’ve encountered an unexpected milestone in the our RC5-72 project’s status!  Last night’s stats processing hit a data overflow error in one of the team database columns.

We will be making some schema changes to one of the backend team tables and hope to have stats processing back online later today.  Once we’re done, stats should again properly reflect all received results.

Keep on crunching!  ]:8)