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snikkel [06-Jul-2005 @ 16:06]

Filed under: clients @ 16:06 +00:00

:: 06-Jul-2005 16:06 GMT (Wednesday) ::

A new version of the client source has been posted. It includes
all the core improvements introduced with the recent clients.
We’ve added the MA4 core which targets Pentium 4 chips, but is surpassed
in speed by other cores, the MMX core which targets original Pentium era
chips and the KBE-64 core which is optimized for 64-bit AMD K8 and Pentium
4 chips. In addition we applied speed improvements from contributors for
the DG3 and GO2 cores. We also corrected issues in DG3, SGP3 and SNJL
cores. In the OGR world, we’ve added a new assembly version of the x86
core which improves performance by around 30%.
Get the source at