staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


decibel [21-Aug-2002 @ 18:30]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 18:30 +00:00

:: 21-Aug-2002 18:30 GMT (Wednesday) ::

Blower’s memory upgrade is here, so expect some downtime while we install it.


decibel [19-Aug-2002 @ 15:07]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:07 +00:00

:: 19-Aug-2002 15:07 GMT (Monday) ::

More fun stats bugs…. I’m going to re-run the stats for Aug 18. Expect
some downtime while I’m tinkering about. Sorry for the inconvenience.

And by the way, when it does come time to announce that we’ve found the
key, it won’t be done by breaking stats, so stop sending email everytime
stats is broken asking if that’s why. :)


decibel [17-Aug-2002 @ 13:48]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 13:48 +00:00

:: 17-Aug-2002 13:48 GMT (Saturday) ::

The audit script for rc5 is running right now. When it’s done (in about a
half-hour), I can turn stats-runs back on. You should notice that the wonky rc5
data for early April has been fixed.



decibel [16-Aug-2002 @ 15:27]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:27 +00:00

:: 16-Aug-2002 15:27 GMT (Friday) ::

I’m working on stats right now, so expect some oddities. I’m also going to turn
off the stats processing routine, so expect a delay in tonight’s stats.


bovine [11-Aug-2002 @ 22:51]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 22:51 +00:00

:: 11-Aug-2002 22:51 GMT (Sunday) ::

Just thought I’d share some interesting statistics and graphs that I
dug up for RC5-64 right now.

The following graph shows the overall “return rates” that we have
obtained for subspaces 90 through 135, for their most recent recycled
distribution passes.

This represents work that was sent out between Jun/26/2002 through
today (we are currently on 135 right now). The horizontal axis
represents elapsed time between when a workunit is sent out and when
the result is received back, and each data point represents a
different subspace.

Although the data is a little noisy (the trend should ideally be
strictly increasing), the trends are still quite observable. As you
can see, a majority of our participants seems to return blocks back
after about 4 days, with relatively negligible results anytime
afterwards. Additionally, every time we send a workunit out on a new
recycle pass, only about 75% of those are ever actually returned (most
likely because people fetch more blocks than they intended and delete
the excess).

Here is another potentially interesting graph that shows the current
completion percentages for all 256 subspaces.

As a reminder, the overall percent complete across the entire keyspace
is about 85%; this is the same number that is shown on the statsbox at


bovine [06-Aug-2002 @ 08:49]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 08:49 +00:00

:: 06-Aug-2002 08:49 GMT (Tuesday) ::

I’ve made available some new pre-release clients (v2.8019.473) for the
following platforms:

* amigaos-ppc-pup
* amigaos-ppc-wos
* dos-x86
* linux-x86-elf
* netbsd-mipsel
* openbsd-sparc-aout
* openbsd-x86-aout
* ps2linux-mips
* win16-x86
* win32-x86-setup
* win32-x86

You can find download links for these new clients under
There are a few important changes made in this new version:

* fix: static: rebuilt all static clients to fix CA-2002-19:
“Buffer Overflow in Multiple DNS Resolver Libraries”
* chg: all: increased buff-in.* limit to 2000 packets
* imp: x86: improved P4 RC5 core (ak-p7) (#2542)
* new: x86: detect latest Pentium III (#2778) and Athlon XP (#2783)
* chg: linux: enable /proc/apm support for non-x86 (#2643)
* fix: all: processed RC5 random blocks even if RC5 was disabled
* fix: amigaos: fixed problems with font requester opening in
GUI prefs window when clicking other gadgets
* imp: amigaos: can be shutdown by pressing escape key in GUI


nugget [05-Aug-2002 @ 17:17]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 17:17 +00:00

:: 05-Aug-2002 17:17 GMT (Monday) ::

Today will be upgrade day out here in Expect
brief outages on both the main website as well as on stats box
as I make world and reboot. We’re also planning on migrating statsbox
to apache2 (and by “we” I mean “paul”, naturally).

Thanks for your patience and understanding.