staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


moose [20-Apr-2002 @ 02:17]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 02:17 +00:00

:: 20-Apr-2002 02:17 GMT (Saturday) ::

The Following Clients have been placed/updated for pre-release:

– Windows 32bit [x86/Zipped] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– Windows 32bit [x86/Setup] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– MacOS [ppc/osx] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– FreeBSD [x86/ELF] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– Linux [x86/ELF] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– Linux [sh4] v2.8015.470 2002-04-20
– BSD/OS [Sparc/aout] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– BSD/OS [elf] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– NetBSD [x86] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– OpenBSD [Sparc/aout] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– OpenBSD [x86/aout] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– Solaris/SunOS [2.x/sparc] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– Solaris/SunOS [x86] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– SGI IRIX [6.5/MIPS/64] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– SGI IRIX [6.5/MIPS/n32] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– AmigaOS [m68k] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– AmigaOS [PPC/PowerUp] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20
– AmigaOS [PPC/WarpOS] v2.8018.472 2002-04-20

http download is currently the only method available. We are having
some trouble whit syncing to our ftp servers. FTP will be available

Enjoy and as always report bugs in bugzilla.


decibel [13-Apr-2002 @ 03:10]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 03:10 +00:00

:: 13-Apr-2002 03:10 GMT (Saturday) ::

Now that blower is happily talking to the master again, it’s busy processing
the current backlog. RC5 should be done in 12 hours or so, and OGR not too long
after that.


decibel [12-Apr-2002 @ 17:44]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 17:44 +00:00

:: 12-Apr-2002 17:44 GMT (Friday) ::

Hrm… guess we don’t need teams for OGR-24 anymore…

(just kidding)

I’m re-generating the data right now, should be done in 1/2 hour or so. Also, I
think I found the bug in the statproc code, so hopefully we’ll be able to catch
up as soon as the master comes back online.

bovine [12-Apr-2002 @ 16:00]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 16:00 +00:00

:: 12-Apr-2002 16:00 GMT (Friday) ::

If you’re looking for something to do while idling and waiting for the
keymaster to be relocated to its new location, then you may like to
take the time to wish a happy birthday to both Moonwick
and Daa . Most
significantly, it’s Moonie’s 21st birthday today and there are some
awesome party plans scheduled for him tonight! ]:8)

dbaker [12-Apr-2002 @ 00:12]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 00:12 +00:00

:: 12-Apr-2002 00:12 GMT (Friday) ::

Greetings, folks.

The master server will be offline for much of tonight and tomorrow morning
while it is couriered by FedEx Express to one of our new colo facilities.

I appreciate all the colo offers that I have received. I am splitting up our
network a bit and this is just one of our new homes. For those of you that have
offered space and haven’t heard back from me, I apologize for the delay. Moving
the master has been priority one and then I will work on moving the rest of the
equipment. I’m still interested in the offers that I received and plan to make
use of at least one, if not two, of them.

I currently have no plan to bring up a secondary master during the down time .
As a result, the proxy network will back up a bit and stats will be delayed We.
will catch up the network and the stats server within a day or so .

The master will be taken down at approximately 20:00CDT (01:00UTC) to prepare
it for shipment. Unfortunately, in AUS, the last FedEx Express drop-off time is
at 21:00CDT. We expect the equipment to be back online at the new colo facility
by about 15:00EDT (19:00UTC) That ultimately leaves us with about 18 hours of
down time.

This should be the new permanent home of the master server for many years to
come. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to pulling this off.



decibel [11-Apr-2002 @ 23:31]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 23:31 +00:00

:: 11-Apr-2002 23:31 GMT (Thursday) ::

As dbaker mentioned in his .plan
(, the master will
be down for the next 18 hours or so. Since the log files are on the master,
this also means that we won’t be catching up on the stats backlog while the
master is down.

As for the backlog, I’ve been working on some changes to the stats code
the past few days trying to eliminate situations that could cause stats
inconsistencies. Unfortunately, the new code has introduced some problems of
it’s own, so I’ve been in the process of slowly debugging things. Hopefully
things will be stabilizing over the next few days.


decibel [03-Apr-2002 @ 15:42]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:42 +00:00

:: 03-Apr-2002 15:42 GMT (Wednesday) ::

In less than an hour, rc5 will be up-to-date in the new stats processing
system. This means we can finally migrate to a single code base for everything,
which paul is working on. It also means improved data integrity for the future,
as the new stats system has extensive auditing to ensure that errors don’t go
un-detected. Unfortunately, in order to move the RC5 info into the new system
without re-processing every log that exists for RC5, we had to make some
assumptions about the data that is in the old system, which does contain some
inconsistencies. Correcting this will require re-processing all existing RC5
logs, which will happen at some point in the future.

Anyway, look for a new set of stats pages in the near future.



decibel [01-Apr-2002 @ 15:09]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:09 +00:00

:: 01-Apr-2002 15:09 GMT (Monday) ::

I think I may have actually figured out a way to do real-time stats,
something that some participants have been foaming at the mouth about for
a very, very long time. The technique will involve utilizing our network
itself for stats computation. The problem is that right now it looks like
it will require about 80% of our network to make it work. We’ll have to see
if that can be improved upon.

BTW, happy April 1st to everyone.