:: 31-Dec-2001 15:13 (Monday) ::
I’ve taken tally offline to get a final BCP for the migration to blower.
With any luck, stats will start the new year on a new box. :)
distributed.net staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.
:: 31-Dec-2001 15:13 (Monday) ::
I’ve taken tally offline to get a final BCP for the migration to blower.
With any luck, stats will start the new year on a new box. :)
:: 26-Dec-2001 19:24 (Wednesday) ::
It appears there was a slight glitch with the OGR statsrun for Dec. 20th.
It appears that on that day, the work for the 19th was processed along
with the 20th. I’ll work on fixing this some time soon.
Thanks to Stanley Appel for pointing this out to me. }:8)
:: 24-Dec-2001 23:20 (Monday) ::
Moo from Chicago!
Sorry for the disruption in stats over the past few days. It’s been a bit
tricky trying to stay on top of things with travel and plans for the
Tally is caught-up on RC5, and it’s about to start the daily run for 12/21
OGR. It will probably catch up on OGR sometime tomorrow, after tonight’s
RC5 run.
Blower is nearing completion; although I haven’t found time to work on it
the past few days. Hopefully I’ll find some time tomorrow or Wed.
Merry Christmas! Moo!
:: 21-Dec-2001 22:14 (Friday) ::
There was a hiccup in the 12/18 rc5 logs, which caused processing to fail.
This also caused the ogr logs not to run.
I’ve fixed the problem, and rc5 is now running. Since it will probably
take a very long time for tally to catch up with rc5, I’ve turned the web
access off for right now.
The good news is that blower is currently building indexes for all of the
tables that have been copied over from tally, so we’re getting closer to
having blower in production.
:: 21-Dec-2001 00:38 (Friday) ::
Though we’ve had some outages recently because of the migration from tally
to blower, the current outage is unrelated. According to PetrDoubt, the
switch between tally and the outside world has frozen up and needs to be
rebooted. I’m sure Petr will take care of it as soon as he can. In the
mean time, please be patient. Also, you can be sure that this will not
affect any stats totals – all the work is queuing up and will be reported
correctly when we catch up.
:: 18-Dec-2001 01:17 (Tuesday) ::
Copying the database is obviously taking longer than anticipated. I’m
hoping it will be done in the next hour.
:: 17-Dec-2001 18:12 (Monday) ::
In preparation for moving stats from tally to blower, I’ll be taking the
stats database off-line to copy the database files over to blower. I’m
hoping it will be less than 3 hours.
:: 13-Dec-2001 16:54 (Thursday) ::
Uptime on the stats box is a curious 13 hours which is a likely explanation
for why last night’s stats run failed to complete. We’ll kick off the
run cleaning up from any potential inconsistencies resulting from the
interrupted stats run. Thanks for your patience.
:: 07-Dec-2001 15:17 (Friday) ::
Good news/bad news:
I have been working on a method to automate the process of determining
when an OGR stub is “completed.” That is, when it has been done by two
separate sources who agree on the result. When this is finished, we will
be able to quickly determine which stubs still need to be done, and when
an OGR project can be called complete.
Unfortunately, due to some personal issues, my access to computing resources
will be extremely limited in the near future. As an aside, if you happen
to know of an opening for an HP-UX sysadmin who is willing to travel, drop
me a line. Australia or the US preferred.
Regrettably, I haven’t made enough progress yet to be able to recycle
OGR-24 and OGR-25. Being able to recycle is one of our highest priorities,
not only so we can finish OGR-24 and -25, but so we can continue to 26…31.