staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


decibel [01-Sep-2000 @ 12:40]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 12:40 +00:00

:: 01-Sep-2000 12:51 (Friday) ::

Chris Hessmann spotted a problem with team joins in OGR that I wanted to
point out so that people don’t get confused. In a nutshell, the new stats
code isn’t properly handling new team joins.

When a participant joins a team, any old work that was not assigned to a
team is supposed to go to the team they just joined. This is happening
properly in the master table, but it isn’t being reflected in the other
team tables.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a fast easy way to fix this, so we’ll have to
live with it for now. When this is fixed however, all the work that isn’t
currently showing up on the teams will magically appear, and things will
all be as they should, thanks to the fact that the proper info *is* being
stored in Email_Contrib.

The bug report for this is at

Sorry for the confusion.