:: 29-Sep-1999 04:00 (Wednesday) ::
Well, our luck just seems to be against us as far as stats-box goes. As Nugget
mentioned in his .plan, we’ve tried a few more things, and they don’t seem to
be working. And right now, I can’t get to the Sybase online manual, so I can’t
really try anything new right now. Fear not though, we still have a few more
tricks up our sleeves (my current theory is that Sybase is very unhappy that
we’ve nearly filled a couple of the database devices… note that these aren’t
directly related to physical devices).
But, amidst all this stats-anguish, there is good news! Since many of you may
not have seen it on the stats main page today, here’s the relevant bit:
33,195,551 blocks were completed yesterday (0.048% of the keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 103,134,987 KKeys/sec!
Yes, you read that correct, and it’s not an error. We averaged 103Gk/s on
Monday. To help put this into perspective…
To put this in perspective, this rate is 217 times faster than our first day’s
rate of 475 *M*k/s. Even if you look to one month after the start of rc5-64,
when our rate had stabilized at about 8Gk/s, yesterday’s rate is still 13
times faster.
And, for those who are dying to know, at 103Gk/s it would take us 4.9 years
to polish off the remaining keyspace.
So, even though stats box isn’t too happy right now, our network is doing great!