staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


alde [16-Aug-1999 @ 22:29]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 22:29 +00:00

:: 16-Aug-1999 22:30 (Monday) ::

Wow, Ok, so after 4 months I updated the speeds database, adding some
700+ new records to the list. if you didn’t know.

decibel [16-Aug-1999 @ 15:07]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:07 +00:00

:: 16-Aug-1999 15:08 (Monday) ::

Ooops, I knew I’d screw Amp’s name up. Her name is actually Amp, not Amb. Sorry!

decibel [16-Aug-1999 @ 06:43]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 06:43 +00:00

:: 16-Aug-1999 07:40 (Monday) ::

Well, I’m back from my fraternities ( national convention and
BEEFREST(tm). It was great to be able to finally meet some of my fellow DCTIers
face-to-face. It was such a good time that I thought I’d fill everyone in on some
of what happened.

The DCTI part of the story started Thursday afternoon. I’d gotten into Birmingham
(where Nugget and Stacey live) early in the afternoon. I spent a few hours seeing
the sights (the Sloss blast furnace historical site, which I recommend to any
technical people, and the Souther Museum of Aviation, which was interesting as well).
I wanted to surprise Nugget, so I dropped in at HFDirect un-announced at about 5PM.
I wish everyone could have seen the look on Nugget’s face; he certainly was surprised!
Nugget and Stacey were gracious enough to let me crash at their place that night,
but not until we’d “chewed the fat” until about 2 AM.

Friday saw us off to BeefRest in a mini-caravan of Nugget’s Miata and my 1978
Mercury Cougar XR7 (, which gave me the second and
final bit of trouble for the 2800 mile trip it took, including a straight shot
from Chicowgo to Orlando, FL (1200 miles) and this afternoon/evening’s jaunt
from Atlanta, GA back home (600 miles or so). For you math whizzes, the rest of
the mileage was from Orlando to Birmingham, AL as well as driving around
Birmingham and Atlanta. But, enough about the car!

We got into Atlanta Friday just in time to enjoy rush hour. It was rather
interesting trying to stay behind Nugget on the way to the hotel with the way
the Atlantians were driving. I quickly gave up on ‘southern hospitality’ and
switched back to Chicago-Driving-Mode, which worked much better. After we were
settled into the hotel, we ventured forth in search of food/beer and found John
Harvards, which had excellent examples of both. We even found a beer that Stacey
liked! Unfortunately, Murphy reared his ugly head and Stacey started getting a
headache since her migraine medicine was back in Birmingham. We bought some
aspirin and some diet coke for her (you don’t want to know what the hotel was
charging for pop!!!) Luckily, the aspirin did the trick well enough for us to
finish the night in the hotel bar. Though somewhat pricy, they did make very
good drinks. One of us (I’m not gonna mention any *cough*Stacey*cough* names here)
was soon having some difficulty staying in their chair. BeefRest was off to a good

Saturday we rolled out of bed just in time for lunch. We met up with Alde and had
some excellent calzones at a pizza place that was across from the cheesecake factory
(all of this was in the Buckhead area, for those who care). We also met up with Daa,
and tried to hook-up with thebigo, who unfortunately had other things to take care

The next order of business was visiting “World of Coke”. We got lost on the way there
and ended up at Phil’s house, whom Nugget used to work with (and who will hopefully
be showing up in #distributed soon!) Unfortunately, Murphy showed again and Stacey
ended up with a pretty serious migraine. Phil and Nugget took her back to the hotel
(we’d been driving around in the Cougar, which doesn’t have working air conditioning.
not fun if you’re sick and it’s 95+ F outside), while Daa, Alde, and I went on to the
World of Coke. It basically was a big coke commercial, though not a bad way to spend
an hour and $3 or whatever admission was.

We finally all ended up back at the hotel where we met up with Alde’s fiance Becky and
her friend Amp, but not before Daa had to leave. After burning some more cash
at the hotel bar, we headed off to dinner, sans Stacey :( Dinner was excellent,
although Alde did end up with enough leftover sushi to choke a horse!

After dinner, Becky and Amp left us to our ‘guys night out’ and went to a mooovie.
We headed to Fado’s (Irish pub just south of John Harvards). They didn’t have
Killian’s, but they did serve Coors. Go figure. Naturally, they had Guiness on tap,
which is why we went in the first place.

After a while, we went over to John Harvards, where we finished the night. We can’t
really figure out what we did to deserve this, but the bar actually picked up our
entire bill!

Sunday was somewhat un-eventful. Nugget was mildly hung-over, which is understandable
with the amount of beer he consumed v. his body weight. Alde was VERY hung-over! I
wouldn’t have figured him for a lightweight! ;P Anyway, we met up for lunch at
Steak-n-Shake, and then it was time for our farewells. 10 hours later, and I’m back
at home, and looking forward to the remainder of my vacation. :)

I wish we had gotten more of our staff together; it was a great time. I guess we’ll
just have to do better next time. In case any of you were wondering, we intentionally
kept this event under-wraps… please don’t take it personally, but we wanted to be
able to meet just amongst ourselves, without 100s of participants. I
have a feeling that having met these guys IRL finally will make it that much easier
to work with them virtually. We also had some great discussions about what we need
to do to improve

Well, I’ve rambled long enough. I hope you guys (and gals) found this interesting to
read. Also, for those of you who applied for the Logistics Coordinator position, I
hope to finalize that stuff this week.



nugget [13-Aug-1999 @ 03:38]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 03:38 +00:00

:: 13-Aug-1999 03:43 (Friday) ::

Real life can be really weird…

We’d planned a semi-official DCTI get-together in Atlanta for this weekend
and Decibel really screwed things up by showing up at hfdirect late this
afternoon. Decibel is crashing on the NuggetCouch(tm) tonight and tomorrow
we head to Atlanta to meet up with AldE. After having worked closely with
these guys for over two years, this is the first time we’ve ever met.

If you catch this plan update when it hits, you can probably see decibel
and stacey and I in the nuggetcams.

On a more official note, yes, I’m aware that the daily totals on stats
are not updating correctly. I should have it fixed before tomorrow’s


nugget [01-Aug-1999 @ 16:53]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 16:53 +00:00

:: 01-Aug-1999 17:20 (Sunday) ::

It’s a lazy Sunday and you obviously have nothing better to do. After
all, you’re reading my .plan file. :) There’s never been a better time
to install ssh and pgp.

Imagine, by the end of the day today you could be more secure and have
more privacy by installing one or both tools on your system(s).

If you’re not using PGP (yet), drop by and have
a look around. will let
you easily determine exactly which version of is appropriate for your
OS and location. PGP installation is pretty straightforward and there
is ample online documentation and tutorials. Not only does PGP become
more useful each time a new person starts using it, but the more people
we have using PGP routinely the harder it will be to remove our freedom
to do so. There’s no reason not to use encryption, except for inertia.
And I guarantee it’s not as hard to install or use as you may be

If you ARE using telnet or rlogin or ftp, then you have problems now
and you don’t even realize it. Did you realize that every time you
telnet or rlogin or ftp to a remote host that you are transmitting
your username and password in clear text? Sniffing passwords is
a trivial task, mostly due to the widespread use of insecure protocols
such as telnet. ssh is a drop-in, secure alternative for telnet, rlogin,
rsh, and ftp. Not only is it secure, but it’s easier to use and more
featureful as well. On top of security it adds such features as
compression, encrypted traffic, encrypted tunnels, and completely
automatic and secure X11 forwarding. Plus with RSA Authentication you
can eliminate passwords entirely. A cracker can’t crack a password that
doesn’t exist.

Unix users can obtain ssh from and have
it up and running in a matter of minutes. I recommend the 1.2.27
version of ssh (as opposed to the v2 platform) due to licensing
difficulties with the v2 platform. Non-unix users have even more

For Win32 there’s SecureCRT ( which is an
excellent, albeit commercial solution. There’s also a very nice, free
implementation of ssh which works with Tera Term. You can grab it from

For Macintosh, I understand that there’s a nice plug-in for NiftyTelnet
at although I’ve not
used it.

There’s never been a better time to be more secure. Simply by installing
a couple of easy-to-use applications you could be on your way to a more
secure, more private computing experience. Your data is yours, and here
are two ways to ensure that it stays that way.

For #distributed regulars, here’s my most compelling argument:
SlicerAce uses both ssh and pgp, why on earth don’t you?

nugget [01-Aug-1999 @ 05:19]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 05:19 +00:00

:: 01-Aug-1999 05:21 (Sunday) ::

For some reason the keymaster failed to transfer the -22 and -23 log
files to the statsbox, so the stats run did not automatically start.
Since we wrapped the daily processing code, this error doesn’t trigger
a page, so I didn’t notice until now. Sorry about the delay.

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