staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


decibel [19-Jun-1999 @ 14:12]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 14:12 +00:00

:: 19-Jun-1999 14:23 (Saturday) ::

Some of you have noticed that we’re having some difficulty with stats still
showing your email address even after you change your settings to list you with
your name, or as ‘Participant #xxxxxx’. There’s two reasons for this. First,
plist.php3 (used for the top 100) and psummary.php3 (your actual stats page)
need to be changed so that they will look at your listmode setting. Nobody
realized that they didn’t do this until the recent incident with the spammer.
Second, php seems to be caching the old value of listmode. It appears that when
you change your settings, the database does actually get updated, but php won’t
reflect it for some time. It might be tied into the stats run, or it might not
(the stats-run shouldn’t affect it).

I probably won’t be able to work on these things until Monday; this weekend is
dedicated to doing some serious work on my Jeep
( for those who care… and note that a Jeep
could easily run over Nugget’s or Nitehawk’s Miata ;P), but I’ll work on it as
soon as I can. Thanks again for your patience.