staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


nugget [04-Apr-1999 @ 18:43]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 18:43 +00:00

:: 04-Apr-1999 18:46 (Sunday) ::

Just minor tweaking and bugfixing today, nothing too terribly major.
I squished some bugs in the password mailer, cleaned up and sanity-
checked the Participant Editor code, and I added cookie support for
your id/password combo. There’s now a checkbox on the Participant
Edit page which will let you save your id/password in a cookie in
your browser.

Also added was nonprofit selection, although there’s currently no
way to see the results of those selections (i.e. the old money.html

I also put some time in on the retire_to underpinnings. We’re quite
close to retire_to being implemented fully as well.

nugget [04-Apr-1999 @ 03:54]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 03:54 +00:00

:: 04-Apr-1999 04:01 (Sunday) ::

Preliminary teamjoining is finally enabled. It’s not pretty, and it’s
not the easiest thing to use, but it’s there and it’s functional.

(Please replace the 0 with the team number of your desired team)

This will require that you have your email address and your stats password
handy. What’s especially nice about this way of handling it is that
teams can now place this url on their home pages for a nice “Click here
to join our team” button.

Note that the old style of:

will still work.

Nitehawk will be adding links to all team summary pages that will allow
one-click joins from any team summary page.

My next step is to integrate the team join page from the pedit.php3
Participant Edit pages and develop a simple team browser tool.

As always, please let me know if you encounter any problems.


nugget [02-Apr-1999 @ 18:37]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 18:37 +00:00

:: 02-Apr-1999 18:37 (Friday) ::

Hey, I know this is completely off-topic, but…

ODD is going nuts over this. Anyone got any idea?

nitehawk [02-Apr-1999 @ 14:44]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 14:44 +00:00

:: 02-Apr-1999 14:47 (Friday) ::

For those of you that haven’t figured it out yet (you know who you are),
all three April 1st .plan updates are jokes.


decibel [01-Apr-1999 @ 20:46]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 20:46 +00:00

:: 01-Apr-1999 20:49 (Thursday) ::

We’ve made a rather astonishing break-through on the cores. Unfortunately, we
can’t do an official release of the info just yet for a number of reasons, but
we wanted to let our most dedicated users (those that read the .plans ;) )
know about this as soon as possible. So, take a look at

nitehawk [01-Apr-1999 @ 19:34]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 19:34 +00:00

:: 01-Apr-1999 19:36 (Thursday) ::

Due to close work with id software/epic megagames, we’ve been able to
integrate stats with a new server that monitors all quake/unreal servers,
and deducts one block from stats for every frag as a method of discouraging
processor use for things other than the client.

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