staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


fordbr [09-Oct-1998 @ 20:23]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 20:23 +00:00

:: 09-Oct-1998 20:42 (Friday) ::

Work in progress:

1. Adapting RC5 MMX core to K6-2 (possible 30% speed up)
2. Modifying RC5 MMX core to remove first and last rounds (2% speed up)
3. Integrating new Alpha RC5 core into the client (50% speed up)
4. Rewrite of DES bitslice driver code
5. Rewrite DES MMX driver code (possible 50% speed up)
6. Rewrite DES MMX S-Boxes to new driver interface
7. Automating “Time to completion” and creating web page
8. Placing regression lines (linear and exponential growth) on plots
9. Investigate FPU or MMX use for RC5 on K6
10. Investigate feasibility of x86 integer bitslice DES core
11. Make BrydDES core thread safe and investigate using more bits

davehart [09-Oct-1998 @ 18:59]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 18:59 +00:00

:: 09-Oct-1998 19:00 (Friday) ::

Mmmmm vi


nugget [08-Oct-1998 @ 15:39]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:39 +00:00

:: 08-Oct-1998 15:39 (Thursday) ::

I have only one goal for today — fix the password mailing on stats.

Thanks, everyone, for your gracious patience as I’ve avoided dealing
with the problem. :)


moose [07-Oct-1998 @ 21:15]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 21:15 +00:00

:: 07-Oct-1998 21:16 (Wednesday) ::

MooseFund $4.88

This is for Vetere

moose [07-Oct-1998 @ 17:41]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 17:41 +00:00

:: 07-Oct-1998 17:42 (Wednesday) ::

MooseFund $5.23


dbaker [06-Oct-1998 @ 15:01]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:01 +00:00

:: 06-Oct-1998 15:02 (Tuesday) ::

OK, one thing I forgot to do after the watcher<->n0 move
was revive the e scripts.

Expect some feature changes shortly, but for now, it’s
back in action at

dbaker [06-Oct-1998 @ 05:11]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 05:11 +00:00

:: 06-Oct-1998 05:14 (Tuesday) ::

Well, I finally got around to regenerating the master keyserver logs
for the later part of Sep22 1998. I had started the “project” a while
ago, but it’s so painfully slow working on the log backup server that
I’ve bailed out of the task several times.

I was able to recover about 78% of the data. The “missing” 22% should
also be finished within a few weeks. (Having to get in touch with some
hard-to-reach proxy operators).

The new data should already be reflected on stats.

decibel [06-Oct-1998 @ 04:58]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 04:58 +00:00

:: 06-Oct-1998 05:04 (Tuesday) ::

I’m working on setting up email aliases for regional support in the form of

where XX is the country code. I’ve also asked our .cgi gurus (Moonwick and
Vetere) to start work on the web site translation tool.

On a personal note, I’ve broken down and started using vi. It’s Nugget’s fault,
his little .plan tool seems to like to use it irregardless of what $EDITOR is
set to. Personally, I’ll take a less esoteric editor any day of the week,
though I will admit it will be nice learning vi since it’s on just about every
UNIX system you’ll ever come across (or so I’m told).


blast [05-Oct-1998 @ 22:20]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 22:20 +00:00

:: 05-Oct-1998 22:28 (Monday) ::

Been working on fixing the -help “bug” that I’ve had in
my last trees, I think I nailed it now, not entirely sure, I’ll have
to do some testing. Got the new 68k cores working a small
while back, they’re awesome, hope I can release something soon.

Had a go with compiling the perproxy for AmigaOS. Let’s just
say it doesn’t compile yet and leave it at that.
The AmigaOS specific parts are what they were in the 2.005 clients,
and those that remember those days also remember that I rewrote
a lot of AmigaOS code which made the client nicer (imho). Guess
I’ll have to start moving code from the client tree (AmigaOS specific
code only of course) or rewriting those parts anew. I’ll see what I’ll
do. I’m working on it regardless…

My own domain is now fully operational and reverse name lookups
also work as they should now.

nugget [05-Oct-1998 @ 19:40]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 19:40 +00:00

:: 05-Oct-1998 19:50 (Monday) ::

Not much to report, really. Just thought I’d indulge in a moment of vanity
and report that the weekend in Indianapolis was a resounding success. Had
a great time at paulf’s birthday party, ate good food, drank good beer,
enjoyed good company.

Note to self: when trying to surprise paul, make sure to clear utmp/wtmp
after logging in so he can’t tell you last connected from an ISP in urbana.
It kinda spoils the surprise.

We received the second quarter eyegive cheque while I was out of town,
I expect to make the deposit and update the register some time this week.
The cheque is for $2,433.41. That and a $50 donation from Alex Ranaldi
(mocha/darkone/c0wie) plus the money we spent on nodezero will all hit
on soon.

Today has been hfdirect day. Not only did I knock off early on Friday,
but I was less than productive for the time I was here. Just playing

No stats news, although from Silby’s plan it looks like I’ll be in
business really soon! Go Silby Go Silby Go! — be there!

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