staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


Finishing up RC5-72 recycling

Filed under: project status — Tags: @ 15:23 +00:00

Although Earth Day was a couple of weeks ago, we’ve been diligently “recycling” RC5-72 blocks (ie: re-distributing previously issued but unreturned work assignments) since last November.  We realize that distributing these old blocks has been inconvenient for some of our users because the fragments are much smaller, causing more network and slightly lower keyrates, and we have appreciated everyone’s patience and understanding.  Fortunately, we are very close to resuming work on fresh RC5-72 subspaces and will be able to send out larger, unfragmented blocks within the next day or so!

Keep on crunching! ]:8)


Project status for November 2011

Filed under: project status — Tags: @ 18:26 +00:00

This past week we passed two nice milestones for our current projects:
On November 21, 2011 we passed 2% completion of RC5-72. We also recently passed 1000 days of OGR-27 since starting it in February 24, 2009.

Long time participant Andrew Hime posted a nice summary of the milestone statistics to our mailing list, so I’ll avoid repeating further details and just link to his post:

Today we also started recycling some of the old RC5-72 subspaces. This means that we’ll be sending out blocks that had initially been distributed as long ago as 2002 but had never been fully completed by any client. Since these subspaces are already mostly complete (generally about 85% to 95% finished), we’ll be able to move through these subspaces pretty quickly. Once we finish this pass of the uncompleted blocks, we’ll resume distribution of blocks from fresh subspaces again.

As always, thanks for your participation and support! ]:8)