:: 29-Aug-2008 07:00 GMT (Friday) ::
We’re having some unexpected hardware problems with our stats server.
We hope to get it back online soon. No work will be lost during this
outage. Thanks for your patience.
distributed.net staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.
:: 29-Aug-2008 07:00 GMT (Friday) ::
We’re having some unexpected hardware problems with our stats server.
We hope to get it back online soon. No work will be lost during this
outage. Thanks for your patience.
:: 21-Aug-2008 20:49 GMT (Thursday) ::
The drive replacement and the array rebuild were successful.
Thanks for your patience.
:: 21-Aug-2008 18:35 GMT (Thursday) ::
Stats will be taken down in a few minutes to replace a failing drive
in its array. Hopefully it shouldn’t be down for very long.
:: 29-May-2008 08:33 GMT (Thursday) ::
Stats should be up-to-date again. A problem that occurred during our
automated log importing required some debugging to undo and correct.
No stats credits should have been lost as a result of the downtime.
Thanks for your patience.
:: 26-May-2008 06:28 GMT (Monday) ::
Stats updates broke a couple of days ago due to some data import
issues. We’ll get them back on-line as soon as we can diagnose and
correct the problem. Thanks for your patience.
:: 11-May-2008 18:15 GMT (Sunday) ::
As you have probably noticed, we now have more detailed completion
statistics available for the OGR-25 project. By clicking on the
‘%-complete’ number on the main project status page, one can reach
a detailed ‘stubspace completion’ page. This new page outlines
the completion rates for each stubspace, as well as the overall
project stub completion information. You can reach the new page
directly at:
In addition, for those statistics junkies out there, we have historical
information available as well at the following URL:
The status history screen will display a usage message if appropriate
arguments are not supplied, which I have duplicated here for those
project_id == The project to do stubspace reporting on
stubspace_id == [optional] The specific stubspace to report on
start_date == [optional, default: 30 days ago,
format example: 01-Apr-2008]
The date to start pulling data
end_date == [optional, default: today, format example: 01-Apr-2008]
The last date to pull data for
output_format == The output format you’d prefer [xml, csv]
Usage Example:
It should be noted that the OGR completion percentages do update a
couple hours later than the rest of the statistics information
[usually around 01:30 UTC].
If anyone would like to see changes/enhancements to any of these
screens, please don’t hesitate to open a bug in bugzilla and copy me
[thejet@distributed.net] in the CC field. We’ll take a look and see if
we can integrate your suggestions, or better yet, submit a patch! :)
Bugzilla can be found here:
Thanks for your participation and happy crunching!!! MOOO!!!
:: 16-Apr-2008 11:40 GMT (Wednesday) ::
Thanks to Simon T. we’ve got another XML export in our stable.
The Participant Summary page is now available as an XML export.
The new page can be reached at:
The page takes the following arguments [as query string parameters]:
id = The participant ID
project_id = The project ID [25 == OGR-25, 8 == RC5-72]
show_friends = Include friend statistics in a element
show_neighbors = Include neighbor statistics in a element
An example can be seen here:
Hopefully over the next few weeks/months we’ll get a more robust implementation
to allow all of our statistics pages to be viewed in XML form, making
life much easier for those 3rd party statistics web sites to grab their
core data.
:: 15-Feb-2008 18:04 GMT (Friday) ::
As was previously indicated last month, OGRp2 results from the older
PlayStation 3 (CellBE) Linux clients earlier than version 2.9015-505
will no longer be accepted. If you are still using the older version,
you are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible. See this
announcement for further details:
:: 05-Feb-2008 00:40 GMT (Tuesday) ::
Dear friends,
We have recently been in communication with a number of vendors of anti-virus
software, regarding their false detections of dnetc. Many of them have been
brought around to our point of view that dnetc is benign, peaceful and able to
happily co-exist on a busy workstation. Our attempts to bring McAfee around to
our point of view have failed, despite our best efforts.
We would like to re-open hailing frequencies with McAfee and we need your help
to do this. On their site is a page describing dnetc as a ‘potentially unwanted
program’. You can see it here:- http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_100867.htm
At the side of the page is a link ‘Rate This Potentially Unwanted Program’. We
would like as many of you as possible to visit the page and let McAfee know
that dnetc should not be detected.
We remain grateful for your continued support and enthusiasm.
:: 03-Feb-2008 21:54 GMT (Sunday) ::
Dear friends,
We are coming towards the final stages of the OGR-25 project.
Our network has come under some strain in recent days, due to
the amount of OGR work being processed. We are aware that
some of the stubs being issued are very small. This is making
calculating buffer requirements difficult for those of us who
like to keep a close eye on things.
In the default configuration, an instance of dnetc which
cannot receive OGR stubs to work on will switch over
seamlessly to the RC5-72 project. We recommend to leave this
behaviour in place, if only to ease the load on our network
at this busy time.
If you have disabled the RC5-72 project in your client
configuration, your client may sit idle for a time while we
continue to experience difficulties with network connections.
We expect that the network connection difficulties will
continue into Monday, as this is historically the busiest
day of the week for our system. Please bear with us as we
work to resolve the shortages. We thank you for your