staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


nitehawk [17-Nov-1999 @ 20:51]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 20:51 +00:00

:: 17-Nov-1999 20:54 (Wednesday) ::

Well… I’ve been idle for long enough now. I’m currently in the
process of getting the csc stats pages together while nugget gets the
backend scripts together. Assuming all goes well, we could have CSC
stats by tonite or tomorrow’s stats run.


nitehawk [27-Sep-1999 @ 15:36]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:36 +00:00

:: 27-Sep-1999 15:51 (Monday) ::

Ok… I’ve been pretty busy lately, so I haven’t had much of a chance
to work on stats. Right now I am helping GregH out with some OGR
testing. So far, OGR is looking pretty nice. Here is a teaser from
my test full proxy:
ogr r=4998/5000, d=0/0, 0.0 Mkeys/sec, tot=89034

Yes we know that the rate screwed up.

I don’t know when the release is actually planned though, so don’t ask.


nitehawk [14-Apr-1999 @ 17:50]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 17:50 +00:00

:: 14-Apr-1999 17:52 (Wednesday) ::

The bug where tmsummary.php3 was reporting teams as nonexistent,
should be fixed now. Please let me know if there are problems.

Also fixed are the nifty little arrows that say how far a team
moved in the rankings from yesterday :)

Next on my list is the team member listings (unless nugget beats
me to it).


nitehawk [02-Apr-1999 @ 14:44]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 14:44 +00:00

:: 02-Apr-1999 14:47 (Friday) ::

For those of you that haven’t figured it out yet (you know who you are),
all three April 1st .plan updates are jokes.


nitehawk [01-Apr-1999 @ 19:34]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 19:34 +00:00

:: 01-Apr-1999 19:36 (Thursday) ::

Due to close work with id software/epic megagames, we’ve been able to
integrate stats with a new server that monitors all quake/unreal servers,
and deducts one block from stats for every frag as a method of discouraging
processor use for things other than the client.


nitehawk [30-Mar-1999 @ 15:59]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:59 +00:00

:: 30-Mar-1999 16:03 (Tuesday) ::

In case anyone hasn’t noticed, the team summaries are now linked into
the team listings. Yes I do know about the bug that reports a team as
unknown, even when it is in the listing. I’ll get that fixed as soon
as I can (silly real life :P).

Here is my “priority list”:
1: Participant listing
2: Team information editing
3: Team history listing/graphs


nitehawk [23-Feb-1999 @ 02:54]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 02:54 +00:00

:: 23-Feb-1999 03:01 (Tuesday) ::

Team stats are coming soon. I am working hard to get the various team stats
pages. Keep your eyes here for future announcements.


nitehawk [19-Feb-1999 @ 04:38]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 04:38 +00:00

:: 19-Feb-1999 04:39 (Friday) ::

I’m back on the crew after an extended “vacation”. I’ll be helping Nugget out with stats.