:: 10-Jun-2002 17:05 GMT (Monday) ::
For Sony PlayStation 2 users:
Yes, Linux[mips/PS2] is the first client for PlayStation 2!
The RC5 core is mips-crunch.cpp.
Special thanks to Michael Mallory,
-pedantic solution was discovered by him.
I didn’t change mips-crunch.cpp
because it might make an influence to other platform.
It’s *REQUIRED* “Linux for PlayStation 2” kit.
There is no method which runs it without this kit.
You may think it’s able to boot from PS2 Memory Card, but it’s impossible.
PS2 Linux (or any unix variants for PS2) is booted
only from the Runtime Environment in Disk1.
Therefore, if you don’t have this kit, please purchase it!
(for Japanese: We can’t buy it now.
See http://www.jp.playstation.com/linux/ )
If you have PS2Linux, you can run it without HDD(or BB) unit.
http://achurch.org/ps2/ (written by Japanese language)
Install ps2linux-boot-ntsc.tar.gz and dnetc to /mnt/MC00.
Once you do it,
you may install the “Final Fantasy XI online” to HDD :-)
Both “Linux for PlayStation 2” and “PlayStation2 BB Unit” are
kiting the same HDD and Ethernet unit.
Please feel free comments to me (language available: English and Japanese)