staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


dbaker [07-Oct-1999 @ 20:55]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 20:55 +00:00

:: 07-Oct-1999 20:58 (Thursday) ::

I fixed (okay, I rewrote most of it, too) the rc5-list
web moderation tool, so rc5-list users should start receiving the normal
flow of posts again.

I’ve been working on recovering the lost blocks from the September incidents.
If all goes well, users should expect to see those blocks in the next day
or two.

I’ll post more information when it becomes available. I’ll also have some
more information about new ftp and www redundancy too in the next week. I’m
just a nifty guy, eh?



dbaker [12-Sep-1999 @ 19:15]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 19:15 +00:00

:: 12-Sep-1999 19:17 (Sunday) ::

Stats still have not been updated to reflect the blocks that didn’t make it to stats
on 09/01/1999, 09/10/1999, and 09/11/1999. We are very aware of this problem; it is
unnecessary to email anyone about your missing blocks.

While I manually sort those logs, others are working on ensuring that this problem
does not occur again. Time frame for recovery and more information will be posted
here RSN(tm).

Thanks for your patience.


dbaker [11-Sep-1999 @ 07:36]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 07:36 +00:00

:: 11-Sep-1999 07:38 (Saturday) ::

Your stats may be significantly lower than normal. Please don’t panic; we are aware of the
problem and working to process the data that didn’t make it into last night’s stats run.

Standby for more information.


dbaker [02-Sep-1999 @ 15:41]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:41 +00:00

:: 02-Sep-1999 15:47 (Thursday) ::

While doing routine maintenance on the keymaster yesterday (9/1/99), we ran
into some problems that resulted in blocks not making it into the keyspace
tables or master key server logs. As a result of this, stats did not have
the full keylog data, and your stats may be slightly lower depending on
when your machine(s) flush their blocks.

Please do not be concerned; no blocks or log data were lost. We will be
re-processing the blocks in the next few days so that they will make it into
the keyspace tables and the logs for stats.

Another announcement will be made by Nugget or myself when all of the “missing”
data has been properly accounted for by the statistics system. Until then,
your time would best be served by encouraging me to manually process logs
faster at

Have a nice day. Moo.



dbaker [20-Jun-1999 @ 01:59]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 01:59 +00:00

:: 20-Jun-1999 02:01 (Sunday) ::

Well, nugget is out of town for a few days. During this time, I’ll be
trying to fill his shoes, stats wise. Feel free to contact me with any
stats related questions or issues until he returns.

On an, uh, unrelated note, stats will be two hours late tonight.


dbaker [14-Mar-1999 @ 20:04]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 20:04 +00:00

:: 14-Mar-1999 20:06 (Sunday) ::

I’ll be out of town until Thursday evening. Mike Silbersack (
and Peter Gildea ( will be handling technical issues in my absence.
Please contact them accordingly.

Gordon “grub” Grieder is responsible maintaining my level of attitude
in #distributed.



dbaker [19-Feb-1999 @ 19:41]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 19:41 +00:00

:: 19-Feb-1999 19:42 (Friday) ::

Hi. I don’t have much to say.

I am helping nugget a bit on sbII, but I’m pretty much just being
a big slacker. I should finish up my projects for him this weekend
before I start feeling really guilty.

Stuff is pretty stable. I’m happy about that.

Hmm that’s all I have to report.


dbaker [25-Jan-1999 @ 06:58]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 06:58 +00:00

:: 25-Jan-1999 07:04 (Monday) ::

Unfortunately, the DNS RP/LOC project has been put on hold. While it will be excellent to have
new proxy/master monitoring with automated contact stuff in place, my current priority is
writing all the keymaster log transferring scripts in perl. A combination of
and problems over the past week are to blame for stats being 45 minutes
late every day. I plan to finish up the log push utility in the next couple days and
the new proxyinfo utilities in early February.

The subspace plots are also a priority. Having them not updated for so long is completely
unacceptable, so I apologize. Expect those back in the coming weeks.

As trite an excuse as this is, I’ll blame DES for the delay on all this. ]:8)



dbaker [20-Jan-1999 @ 02:03]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 02:03 +00:00

:: 20-Jan-1999 02:05 (Wednesday) ::

I would like to thank everyone who was able to make this happen. We couldn’t have done this had
it not been for the endless hours that the coders put in, the contribution that John Gilmore
and EFF made, and most importantly, the tens of thousands of users who are running the client on
their computers.

Congratulations for a job well done. Our progress was amazing.


dbaker [18-Jan-1999 @ 08:18]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 08:18 +00:00

:: 18-Jan-1999 08:24 (Monday) ::

Hi everyone!

In lieu of my traditional “3am before DES contest” announce post, I’ll just
update my plan.

Everything looks to going very well in terms of proxy network organization
for tomorrow. DES-III begins at 17:00 GMT, which is noon EST, 11am CST,
09am PST, etc.

If you’re interested in watching the contest take off in a few hours,
join us in #distributed on efnet. My scripts which enable DES on the
keymaster and proxynet will be broadcasting events to the channel.

If you haven’t done so already, PLEASE upgrade your clients. The new
ones ( are faster, more featureful,
and have less bugs.

I’ve received lots of questions about EFF’s Deep Crack. John Gilmore
and I have been working together over the past week to integrate his Deep
Crack system with It’s all a go, Deep Crack will be
checking DES keys for at the rate of 88 billion keys
a second.

We’ve worked with RSA on putting together some live contest statistics.
These are available at

For more information about’s DES project Monarch,
check out

Good Luck!

Daniel Baker

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