staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


chrisb [22-Dec-1999 @ 18:32]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 18:32 +00:00

:: 22-Dec-1999 18:38 (Wednesday) ::

I’ve just uploaded a new x86/Solaris client, which has the MMX CSC core, as
well as being multithreaded (fixes bug #450). I also uploaded a v311 x86/
Solaris personal proxy, which is CSC compatible.

Hopefully they’ll become available soon.


chrisb [21-Jul-1999 @ 18:00]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 18:00 +00:00

:: 21-Jul-1999 18:03 (Wednesday) ::

I’ve somehow managed to cobble together some RISC OS tools, done a
bit of source code fiddling, and come up with an ARM-only RISC OS release-2.7112.444 client.

I’ll have a go at getting the x86 stuff back in soon, and then maybe look in to sorting out the task-switching problems.


chrisb [01-Jul-1999 @ 17:10]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 17:10 +00:00

:: 01-Jul-1999 17:13 (Thursday) ::

After 5 months of laziness, I’ve finally got round to building ARM Linux
and NetBSD 1.3 clients.

I guess they’ll become available sooner or later.


chrisb [12-Jan-1999 @ 11:05]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 11:05 +00:00

:: 12-Jan-1999 11:11 (Tuesday) ::

After one complaint too many, I’ve been volunteered to do Solaris/x86 builds
for a while. I’ve just uploaded v2.7104.428 (dynamic) clients, so expect them
to appear on the FTP servers soon.

I also built a v2.7104.428 RISC OS client, which I will upload shortly. I’d
like to be able to include the RC5PC module, but there is a bug somewhere
in the interaction between the client and the module which causes problems
with 2^31 key blocks. If we manage to get it fixed soon, I’ll include it.

Oh, and it’s my birthday :)


chrisb [17-Nov-1998 @ 08:45]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 08:45 +00:00

:: 17-Nov-1998 08:52 (Tuesday) ::

It looks like there a few minor problems with the x86 card stuff – not least
of which that the stupid CPU keeps overheating. That’s no doubt caused by
the fact that some idiot has decided to use the air conditioning system to
heat the office.

It seems I’ve had all this work to do as well, so ARM client development is
on pause for the next few days.


chrisb [13-Nov-1998 @ 12:23]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 12:23 +00:00

:: 13-Nov-1998 12:32 (Friday) ::

Never one to stick to a plan, I’ve gone ahead and started on the x86 card
support. I’ve got most of the integration done, but there are still a few
hairy bits left.

I’ve so far managed to check 3 blocks as x86/RISC OS, and my RiscPC has
an overall rate of 399.82kkeys/s.


chrisb [09-Nov-1998 @ 09:13]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 09:13 +00:00

:: 09-Nov-1998 09:24 (Monday) ::

Well, I’ve finally moved house! The relevance of this is that I now live
closer to work (where I do most of my coding/client building) so I’ll be
able to hang around and do that after work, rather than waste hours each
day driving.

I’ve had a few requests for RISC OS personal proxies, which I’ll hopefully
be able to fulfill – however my priorities at the moment look like this:
1. v2.7102.419 release (RISC OS)
2. v2.7102.419 release (ARMLinux + RiscBSD)
3. x86 card support (RISC OS)
4. personal proxy (RISC OS)


chrisb [29-Sep-1998 @ 10:26]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 10:26 +00:00

:: 29-Sep-1998 10:29 (Tuesday) ::

A fine morning’s Snowboarding yesterday. I ache like a goodun today.

The x86 stuff has arrived from Dominic, but I’ve been to busy with
updating other bits of client code – and real work – to have a look
at it yet.


chrisb [25-Sep-1998 @ 14:51]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 14:51 +00:00

:: 25-Sep-1998 14:56 (Friday) ::

I’ve finally got round to building the RISC OS GUI, in the hope that I can
fix the icon, moo, and graphs. The icon and moo are now working, but I have
to wait for a few blocks to complete before I can start work on the graph

The x86 card stuff should hopefully be coming my way next week, so now all
I have to do is find a card and all should be fab & groovy.