:: 05-Oct-1998 22:28 (Monday) ::
Been working on fixing the -help “bug” that I’ve had in
my last trees, I think I nailed it now, not entirely sure, I’ll have
to do some testing. Got the new 68k cores working a small
while back, they’re awesome, hope I can release something soon.
Had a go with compiling the perproxy for AmigaOS. Let’s just
say it doesn’t compile yet and leave it at that.
The AmigaOS specific parts are what they were in the 2.005 clients,
and those that remember those days also remember that I rewrote
a lot of AmigaOS code which made the client nicer (imho). Guess
I’ll have to start moving code from the client tree (AmigaOS specific
code only of course) or rewriting those parts anew. I’ll see what I’ll
do. I’m working on it regardless…
My own domain is now fully operational and reverse name lookups
also work as they should now.