staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


alde [23-Aug-1999 @ 14:46]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 14:46 +00:00

:: 23-Aug-1999 15:12 (Monday) ::

Ok, I fixed the Athlon’s spelling on the submit form, and so far have 2

Operating System: DOS (MSDOS/PCDOS/etc.) —
CPU Type : AMD K7 (Althion) —
CPU Speed : 600 Mhz — nomal
Client Running : Bovine v2.7100 (RC5) —
Client Speed : 2,011,659,59

Operating System: Linux —
CPU Type : AMD K7 (Althion) — <- Athlon!
CPU Speed : 500 Mhz —
Client Running : Bovine v2.7106 (RC5) —
Client Speed : 1.517.000,00

I would put the 600 as an outlyer, but the 500 looks to be valid.

(I haven’t seen one live to be a viable source of data on the Athlon.)



alde [16-Aug-1999 @ 22:29]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 22:29 +00:00

:: 16-Aug-1999 22:30 (Monday) ::

Wow, Ok, so after 4 months I updated the speeds database, adding some
700+ new records to the list. if you didn’t know.


alde [02-Jul-1999 @ 16:38]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 16:38 +00:00

:: 02-Jul-1999 16:56 (Friday) ::

Ok, The article in question appeared in a Swedish Internet World magazine.
Thanks to Rene Mosegaard for the scan, Hans Robinson, Karsten Spang, and
Andreas Ottosson for translations of the article.

Translation is as follows:



The more we are together the merrier we will be. And the more computers
working together, the more complex problems we are able to solve. This is
the simple idea behind the technically very complex and smart project
known as – non-profit research project that could also
earn you a bit of money if you are in luck.

It is who succeeded in cracking hard encryption algorithms,
generating attention around the world, demonstrating that many small computers
together can be many thousand times more efficient than a single supercomputer.

It’s easy to join. All you have to do is visit the homesite, download a
small program and start it up. As soon as you are connected to the
Internet – the program automatically contacts Depending on
the power of your computer you are given a bigger or smaller amount of data
to work on. As soon as the computer has received the task, the actual computing
starts off without needing to be constantly connected. When the task is done,
it is sent back to as soon as you connect to the Internet.

The program can be configured after your liking, either you choose when
tasks should be fetched, or you tell the program to automatically connect as
soon as a task has been done.

Since accepts challenges, in particular from RSA – a
company that develops encryption algorithms and proffers rewards to anyone
who can break their codes – there is even the possibility to make some
money. If your computer is the one to crack the right key, you can presently
get $1000 for the trouble.

The interesting part though is that doesn’t try to
take over your computer completely, but runs silently in the background.
The idle time of your processor is used, that is to say the program runs only
during those times when your computer is doing nothing else. Over the course
of a workday there will be quite few such idle moments. Enough to solve the
most difficult of mathematical problems.

As they say at their website: “go forth and multiply, divide, rotate,
invert, and conquer. May no computer ever be idle again.” NM

Thanks for the assistance!


alde [01-Jul-1999 @ 19:57]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 19:57 +00:00

:: 01-Jul-1999 19:58 (Thursday) ::

No News lately. Seems people out there have gotten more honest with their
client installs. :)

Just wondering if someone could translate the following perhaps:




alde [17-Dec-1998 @ 23:56]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 23:56 +00:00

:: 18-Dec-1998 00:01 (Friday) ::

More on the Trojan Front…

Seems someone’s been rootkitting linux boxes and installing the client
to crack keys. This is very disheartening that this is happening. I have
worked with two places so far to help them with forensics and recovery
of control of the box.

We know who has been doing this (Duh, you root kit a box, and put your
email address in the .ini file, of course you’re going to get tracked down)
and they are currently in pursuit of criminal action, and I am silenced
to disclosing the name and team of said email address.

All I can say is that once again, does not condone this
practice at all. Ask permission to run clients on all boxes! Violators
will be dealt with, with extreme prejudice.

Also, keep those speeds rolling in…



alde [20-Nov-1998 @ 17:08]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 17:08 +00:00

:: 20-Nov-1998 17:11 (Friday) ::

New news added to —
Another Facet of the Internet Revealed, Article in the News Record
of the University of Cincinnati written by T. Nathan Mundhenk.

If you have any other sightings of press related to,
please mail so it can be included in our pressroom.



alde [11-Oct-1998 @ 22:19]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 22:19 +00:00

:: 11-Oct-1998 22:22 (Sunday) ::

Supposedly there is a new trojan going around. Please make sure to mail me
if you think your machine has been penetrated and a client
was illegally installed.

Also, I will be in Atlanta Georgia for Nanog 14, November 7th thru 10th.

I also finally bought Chipper and Cinderella their wedding gifts… Yes,
that’s right, Chipper is getting married Oct 24th, which I’m a stand up
guy in the wedding :)


alde [02-Oct-1998 @ 14:52]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 14:52 +00:00

:: 02-Oct-1998 14:53 (Friday) ::

Both the & trojans have been identified,
their team notified, and their emails removed.

I’m still researching


alde [30-Sep-1998 @ 06:22]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 06:22 +00:00

:: 30-Sep-1998 06:24 (Wednesday) ::

If you have any files, news headers, etc dealing with either
Team #978 (978 is an 1 in Massachusetts)
Team Supergeeks

Please contact me immediately.


alde [25-Sep-1998 @ 21:09]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 21:09 +00:00

:: 25-Sep-1998 21:09 (Friday) ::

If you cannot connect to, try:

9/24/98 +5.92%
9/25/98 +1.60%