Our stats server is currently offline as we prepare it for relocation. We expect it to be back online tomorrow around 2014-05-11 at about 22:00 UTC but it is possible that we may need to delay its restart time.
During the downtime we will be physically relocating our servers 160 miles, from Austin, TX to a new hosting location in Houston, TX offered by FlightAware. Part of the transport will be conducted by private plane, which might be visible on the FlightAware flight tracking website around 2014-05-11 at 17:00 UTC.
We’d like to thank Midas Green Tech in Austin, TX for the use of their hosting facilities over the years, but their business is transitioning away from physical hosting and towards virtual hosting so our move was an unfortunate necessity. If you are in need of any cloud hosted services, we encourage you to check out their offerings and mention that you heard about them from distributed.net
As always, all dnetc work transmitted during the downtime will be fully counted once our stats website is brought back online.