staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


bovine [24-Feb-2009 @ 17:26]

Filed under: clients,project status @ 17:26 +00:00

:: 24-Feb-2009 17:26 GMT (Tuesday) ::

Howdy all,

We’ve just confirmed receipt of the last OGR-26 stub, thus marking
that project officially complete! We will try to publish who
submitted the most optimal and last stubs, once we confirm that they
don’t mind their identities being revealed.

You should already notice that fresh OGR-27 stubs are already
available on our proxy network. To work on this project, you will
need to be using the v2.9103 client for your architecture. If you run
a personal proxy, you should upgrade to build 347. As usual, you can
find them

If your platform doesn’t appear to have released clients available
yet, that may be because some are still on the pre-release page–we
hope to officially release them in the next couple of days. We
appreciate your patience.

Due to variations in complexity, we expect that OGR-27 will take us
significantly longer than OGR-26 did. It is difficult to provide a
precise estimate but one extremely rough guess is about 7 years,
assuming no increase in computing power and that our size estimation
sampling reflects the entire stubspace.

There is one thing that is different with OGR-27 than with our
previous OGR projects: we are confident that we will discover a better
ruler for OGR-27 than the one we know to be optimal currently.

So get your clients cracking! Thanks again for your participation!

Moo ]:8)