staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


thejet [11-May-2008 @ 18:15]

Filed under: project status,stats @ 18:15 +00:00

:: 11-May-2008 18:15 GMT (Sunday) ::

As you have probably noticed, we now have more detailed completion
statistics available for the OGR-25 project. By clicking on the
‘%-complete’ number on the main project status page, one can reach
a detailed ‘stubspace completion’ page. This new page outlines
the completion rates for each stubspace, as well as the overall
project stub completion information. You can reach the new page
directly at:

In addition, for those statistics junkies out there, we have historical
information available as well at the following URL:

The status history screen will display a usage message if appropriate
arguments are not supplied, which I have duplicated here for those

project_id == The project to do stubspace reporting on
stubspace_id == [optional] The specific stubspace to report on
start_date == [optional, default: 30 days ago,
format example: 01-Apr-2008]
The date to start pulling data
end_date == [optional, default: today, format example: 01-Apr-2008]
The last date to pull data for
output_format == The output format you’d prefer [xml, csv]

Usage Example:

It should be noted that the OGR completion percentages do update a
couple hours later than the rest of the statistics information
[usually around 01:30 UTC].

If anyone would like to see changes/enhancements to any of these
screens, please don’t hesitate to open a bug in bugzilla and copy me
[] in the CC field. We’ll take a look and see if
we can integrate your suggestions, or better yet, submit a patch! :)
Bugzilla can be found here:

Thanks for your participation and happy crunching!!! MOOO!!!