staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


mikereed [03-Feb-2008 @ 21:54]

Filed under: project status @ 21:54 +00:00

:: 03-Feb-2008 21:54 GMT (Sunday) ::

Dear friends,

We are coming towards the final stages of the OGR-25 project.
Our network has come under some strain in recent days, due to
the amount of OGR work being processed. We are aware that
some of the stubs being issued are very small. This is making
calculating buffer requirements difficult for those of us who
like to keep a close eye on things.

In the default configuration, an instance of dnetc which
cannot receive OGR stubs to work on will switch over
seamlessly to the RC5-72 project. We recommend to leave this
behaviour in place, if only to ease the load on our network
at this busy time.

If you have disabled the RC5-72 project in your client
configuration, your client may sit idle for a time while we
continue to experience difficulties with network connections.

We expect that the network connection difficulties will
continue into Monday, as this is historically the busiest
day of the week for our system. Please bear with us as we
work to resolve the shortages. We thank you for your

Moo! ]:8)