staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


bovine [26-Nov-2006 @ 21:18]

Filed under: clients @ 21:18 +00:00

:: 26-Nov-2006 21:18 GMT (Sunday) ::

Several new client versions have been moved from the pre-release page
to the official release page. This new release features a new
optimized OGR core that offers improved performance on AMD processors:

*Windows 32bit [x86/Zipped] v2.9013.498
*Windows 32bit [x86/Installer] v2.9013.498
*Linux [x86/ELF] v2.9013.498
*PC-DOS, MS-DOS [x86] v2.9013.498
*NetBSD [MIPSEL/ELF] v2.9013.498
*FreeBSD [4.x/x86/ELF] v2.9013.498
*FreeBSD [5.x/x86/ELF] v2.9013.498
*FreeBSD [6.x/x86/ELF] v2.9013.498
*Solaris/SunOS [x86] v2.9013.498

Download links for all supported platforms can be found at