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nugget [24-Mar-2004 @ 20:37]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 20:37 +00:00

:: 24-Mar-2004 20:37 GMT (Wednesday) ::

Thanks in part to user donations (including one VERY generous donation)
we’re close to being able to order a new stats server. After some
internal debate on the best approach, the current plan is to pick up a
dual opteron box and load it with memory and drives. Traditionally,
statsbox has been i/o bound on disk and memory but not very demanding of
CPU. An Opteron solution sounds like a good target platform for what we

I spent a lot of today borrowing a surrogate opteron box from Bovine to
validate that postgresql and freebsd 5.x are a viable platform. I’ve also
confirmed with Doug White and Vinod Kashyap that 3Ware support
in FreeBSD 5.x is stable and reliable.

We’re also eager to move to a smaller sized case — blower was in a
gigantic Dell 6400 series case which limited our options for alternative
colos if we ever decided to move servers around. I think we can stuff
everything we need into a 3U chassis.

I’ve got a price quote that seems agreeable and I hope to place the order
tomorrow. It’s unlikely this will get us back online before next week,

I’ll post more as the ordering+building+deployment progresses…

Thanks again everyone for your patience and understanding.