:: 25-May-2003 22:30 GMT (Sunday) ::
Several new clients have transitioned from the pre-release page to the
official download page. You can check out the list of newly available
clients on http://www.distributed.net/download/updates.php
Additionally, some new pre-release clients have also been made
available for early testing on our pre-release download page:
Some users have reported that the latest McAfee anti-virus 4266 DAT
file update inappropriately classifies dnetc.com as being a trojan.
We have already contacted them about this issue but we are still
awaiting their response on this matter.
Just another warning that full conversion of the rest of our mailing
lists (including rc5@, proxyper@, and announce@) from majordomo to
mailman will be occurring very soon. There is no need to be alarmed
when you receive an email welcoming your subscription to a list that
you already thought you belonged to.