staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


bovine [03-Dec-2002 @ 11:34]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 11:34 +00:00

:: 03-Dec-2002 11:34 GMT (Tuesday) ::

I know a lot of you have been eagerly awaiting this… The official
client download page has been updated with the v2.9 clients, which
includes RC5-72 support! These clients have been undergoing
pre-release testing for several weeks now, so we feel pretty happy
with their quality.

The keyserver network is actively handing out and accepting results
for RC5-72, so all participants are encouraged to upgrade their
clients at this time. The majority of our keyservers have already
upgraded to server versions that are RC5-72 enabled.

Updates to various portions of our website will be continuing
throughout the coming days. Stats for RC5-72 are not yet available,
but all RC5-72 results submitted with v2.9001.477 or above will be
reflected once they do come online.

Please be sure to also check out our FAQ section on RC5-72 at