:: 31-Oct-2002 11:21 GMT (Thursday) ::
Spent some time on blower this morning doing corrective maintenance from
dB’s upgrade of the base OS. It looks as if decibel did a portupgrade
on the linux_base port which does all sorts of terrible things. The
portupgrade process first removes the old port, including the contents
of /usr/compat/linux/usr/lib/ library files. Accordingly, a bunch of
linux binaries on the system stopped working because they were linked
against older versions of the libraries in linux_base.
I also made some revisions to the prize money pages on statsbox, both
to carve the rc5-64 numbers in stone and also to begin work on extending
the prize money page mechanism to more easily support multiple projects.
You can see the final rc5-64 numbers at:
As near as I can tell, the code is ready to go with RC5-72 numbers just
as soon as there’s data in the stats database with which the code can
tally up nonprofit votes.
If you’re feeling really bored, try with project_id=3 to see the RC5-56
numbers. :)