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coffee [27-Sep-2002 @ 02:32]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 02:32 +00:00

:: 27-Sep-2002 02:32 GMT (Friday) ::

Moo again!

Thanks to I’ve been able to track down a “bad” version of
the client.

We found the version v2.8010-463-CTR-00071214 for Win32 to have a problem when
RC5 is disabled. What happens is it gets the data from the proxy, finds out it
is closed and shuts down, but if you have OGR disabled it will load back up and
start connecting again. When I was testing the client would re-connect about
every 2 seconds to the proxies, or as long as it takes for the client to shut
down and start back up again.

As you can well imagine, this is putting some strain on our proxy network which
is run on donated bandwidth, and we do not really want to make these donors
angry :) Also, several people have reported added strain on personal proxies.
In addition some people have experienced difficulties reaching certain proxies
with OGR work, if this is the case for you, please just continue trying.

We are currently working on a solution right now that would work at the proxy
level, but What I’d ask you all to do is take a moment and please check if
you’ve disabled OGR by typing a line something along the lines of:

[misc] project-priority=DES,CSC,OGR=0,RC5

into your client’s dnetc.ini, regardless of version as RC5-64 is closed, and
RC5-72 is going to need a new client. Should you not wish to work on OGR at
this time, we reccomend that you un-install the client. You can see a sample
log of exactly what happens at

If you have another version of the client (i.e. pre 462 or a non-windows 462)
can I get a copy of the client from you, as well as your settings still?

Thank you again everyone for donating your cycles over the years, and visit us
on slashnet this weekend!