staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


nugget [15-Jan-2001 @ 22:48]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 22:48 +00:00

:: 15-Jan-2001 22:48 (Monday) ::

[Jan 15 22:49:07 UTC] Automatic processor detection found 4 processors.
[Jan 15 22:49:07 UTC] Loading crunchers with work… [Jan 15 22:49:07
UTC] Loaded OGR stub 25/12-11-2-8-18-19 (35.50% done) [Jan 15 22:49:07
UTC] Loaded OGR stub 25/12-11-2-8-19-5 [Jan 15 22:49:07 UTC] Loaded OGR
stub 25/12-11-2-8-19-1 [Jan 15 22:49:07 UTC] Loaded OGR stub
25/12-11-2-15-16-10 [Jan 15 22:49:07 UTC] 10 OGR packets (10 work units)
remain in buff-in.ogr [Jan 15 22:49:07 UTC] 10 OGR packets (10 work units)
are in buff-out.ogr [Jan 15 22:49:07 UTC] 4 crunchers (‘a’-‘d’) have been

Even though we don’t have bandwidth yet, the new statsbox is being