:: 27-May-2000 08:25 (Saturday) ::
It’s been a long while since I’ve made a planman updates, so I wanted to
make a post and attempt to get back in the habit of communicating
I have very little new to report. For the first half of 2000, my consulting
business and non-computer-work aspects of my life have occupied most of
my time. Accordingly, little time has been left for significant
distributed.net projects. Regardless, I’ve been maintaining existing
services and continuing to handle day-to-day issues.
Yesterday evening marked the completion of a long outstanding project and
one of the first steps in replacing the ancient nodezero server. I
completed setting up a second web server and changed “www.distributed.net”
to be a round-robin between two of our servers. There are still a couple
minor kinks that we’re working out, but it will be flawless in no time.
I plan to finish up the new nodezero next week and make significant progress
towards replacing the old one shortly. I also need to catch up on the
keymaster log archiving. My work is cut out nicely for me. _]:8)
I’ll keep busy. Expect more news shortly.