:: 18-Apr-2000 14:37 (Tuesday) ::
Two issues: one cool, one trivial…
Apparently, it’s just not very simple to send money from France to the
US. It’s also clear that the Euro as a monetary unit hasn’t yet gained
full acceptance. Regardless, we can now officially close the books on
the CSC project. This morning I picked up a cheque from CS Communications
for 65595,70 B.P.F’s. (No, I’m not altogether sure either, but I’m trusting
that our bank will be able to turn that into USD :)
I’d like to thank CS Communications again for sponsoring the CSC contest,
which turned out to be a fun and exciting project for us.
On a more trivial note, it seems that one or more of the crackers that
we’ve recently had to pull from stats for using the “C Share” worm client
have decided to retaliate in a rather unique way. The most recent variant
of the worm client distribution is spreading clients with *my* email
address in them. Unfortunately, I can’t take credit for the impressive
keyrate on nugget@slacker.com — it’s mostly compromised machines running
the client without the user’s knowledge.
I can’t just yank my own email from stats, obviously, so I need to arrange
a way to strip out the illicit blocks from my stats prior to running each
daily update. Won’t be tough to do; I’ve been delayed from having been
in Atlanta for the past several days.