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vetere [08-Jan-2000 @ 19:46]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 19:46 +00:00

:: 08-Jan-2000 19:48 (Saturday) ::

I’ve been receiving some reports of folks who are receiving buffer-error
messages when they try to upgrade their clients to -452 on the Mac OS.
This is a result of new buffer-handling code in -452 that was
implemented to alleviate problems that develop when buffer files are
shared across OSes, and is as such a one-time event.

In general, however, it is always best to flush your buffers (or update
them) prior to starting a new version of the client. I myself run all my
clients with memory-buffers to make sure that I never share them between

Sorry for any confusion. I’ll stick a note on this in the next client’s