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vetere [07-Jan-2000 @ 06:20]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 06:20 +00:00

:: 07-Jan-2000 06:21 (Friday) ::

-452 is being operated on as I write this; I have binaries on my hard
disk and am banging on them. I’ll detail some bugfixes below, as well as
new developments in the add-on world.

Here’s something cool:

There’s a freeware screensaver available called MacDim, at . It launches small modules – basically
applications that are opened via AppleEvents, display their graphics,
and close via another AppleEvent.

We can turn dnetc for the Mac into a MacDim module. :)

Top hackers are planning to work on this, but things like
multiprocessing and bugfixing have higher priority. You’re welcome to
help out. The possibilites are endless – the dimmer could be combined
with the Java log visualizer, an FBA eventually… and the Start&Hide
AppleScript should come in handy.

Let’s put that Windows screensaver to shame! :)

In other news…

Michael Feiri appears to have fixed the reconnect failure bug. “I
switched lowlevel connectivity inside GUSI to MacTCP because in the
OpenTransport variant there seems to be severe connection maintainance
bug that causes the client to lose [its] connection to the outside
world… The result for the endusers is that network IO is now much
slower but on the other hand it seems that the client can now correctly
redial to the internet” when there has previously been a connection.

Also fixed:

– DriversLib no longer needed
– OpenTransportLib ditto
– 68k synced with PowerPC code
– 68k client uses old assembly RC5 code; faster
– modified buffer IO code in an attempt to fix buffer exchange bugs

Coo coo ca choo.