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vetere [18-Dec-1999 @ 06:59]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 06:59 +00:00

:: 18-Dec-1999 08:02 (Saturday) ::

Today is variety day as regards Mac OS port status updates.

The ‘cli’ client (for lack of a better term to describe what is
currently in beta) will not after all contain an Edit menu for copypaste
purposes. The SIOUX window is something to look at and (in configure
mode) use with the keyboard; it is not part of a graphical user
interface. A planned GUI app will gleefuly accept to all the clicks you
hurl at it. Until then, you can copypaste from a log.

Pre-8.0 compatibility is in the works. All linkages to Appearance stuff
has just been chucked, though networking issues remain. Bless Open

Fractional build 449 of the Mac client does not contain the AltiVec CSC
core. That is why your CSC rates on G4s suck. It is also (I think) why
the client chooses the wrong CSC core on your cute little grey machines.
Rest assured this will change prior to the release.

More news as it happens, or very slightly delayed…