:: 01-Dec-1999 21:24 (Wednesday) ::
Well, this is most excellent news. We’ve isolated the slowdown to
a single php page on the stats site, and a single change made to
the code on that php page.
We had recently made a modification to the /rc5-64/psearch.php queries
that pulled the search data from a different table than it normally
pulls from. For some reason, this is running much, much slower than
it should and is causing the incredible slowdown while stats are
up and available.
When we remove access to this one page (rc5-64/psearch) stats seems
to run just fine and dandy. So, at this point, the worst-case scenario
we’re looking at is not being able to do a participant search while the
daily processing is running. At least until we can figure out why
the query is running so slowly.
I’ve already rebuilt the relevant indexes and that hasn’t helped any,
so there’s still more debugging we need to do. The good news is that
since we know what has to happen to repair the performance, I can
go ahead and start catching up the rc5-64 data to bring it current.
More details as the situation progresses.