staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


nugget [31-Oct-1999 @ 18:22]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 18:22 +00:00

:: 31-Oct-1999 18:28 (Sunday) ::

One of the benefits of insomnia is that from time to time you can get a
lot done in the middle of the night when you cannot sleep.

I closed out a lot of the tiny bugs in stats last night, and added a new
feature which I think will be quite popular. Major issues, in no
particular order…

o Your participant listmode is now honored much more reliably. Most
of the places on stats that didn’t previously honor a request to
“list me using my real name” now correctly do so.

o the “neighbor” list on the bottom of each psummary page now also shows
current rate as well as overall rate.

o Each participant can now select up to five other participants as
“friends” and those other participants will be listed/linked on the
participant’s summary page. You can see an example on my summary page at
You can edit your own list from your pedit participant editing page.
The interface is extremely crude at this stage, it’s just five boxes
which allow you to enter other people’s participant IDs. You’ll have
to look up your friends’ ID numbers manually for now.