staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


nugget [17-Sep-1999 @ 05:25]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 05:25 +00:00

:: 17-Sep-1999 05:29 (Friday) ::

They say hindsight is 20:20, but they lie. I have no clue what just
happened. The part of stats where the day’s activity is moved from the
“daytable” work tables into the big rc5_64_master table (all 20 million
rows of glory) simply failed to happen.

It silently didn’t append the 16-Sep data to the big table.

Then, of course, it went on to re-rank everything with 15-Sep data.
Needless to say, it didn’t take long for everyone to catch on that
something had gone wrong.

I pulled apache offline and tried the append query manually. worked fine.
I scratched my head, and started all the rankings queries again. They’re
nearing completion right now.

Everything is looking just fine, but there’s still the small matter of not
knowing what went wrong in the first place. In true programmer fashion,
I’m not truly concerned if we can’t repeat the error, so we’ll see what
happens tomorrow. Worst case, we’ll just blame the OS. :)