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nugget [17-Feb-1999 @ 04:14]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 04:14 +00:00

:: 17-Feb-1999 04:31 (Wednesday) ::

For the first time in well over a year, stats are current before that day
ends here in the central time zone. The 16-Feb numbers are tabulated and
it’s still 16-Feb here. It’s almost unsettling. It’s taking just over
an hour to do a nightly stats run, and I’m running them without disabling
user access to the database, so those times are with me fighting all of
you for cpu and ram.

So, at this point the data on the demo pages has graduated to the “I
think these numbers are accurate, and nobody had told me otherwise”
category. Stats will continue to run nightly. Basically, we’ve got some
really featureless and really ugly stats available right now. But they
are current and they are worth looking at.

I’m still completely unsettled on how stats will ultimately “look”. I’d
hope you’ve all figured out by now that the appearance of the demo pages
was merely an afterthought. It’s ugly, I know. I’ve been more concerned
with function over form so far. I know the html is broken. I know the
colors look like someone threw up. But it works, and that’s enough for
me. :) If you’re feeling creative, I’d love to see some ideas for the
look and feel of statsbox-ii. I’m a database guy, not a design person,
and this is one area I think we’d do well to outsource. Feel free to
flood me with mock-ups and concepts. I’m open to just about anything at
this point. If enough good submissions make it in, perhaps we’ll hold a
vote or something.

In the meantime, expect to see more and more of my ugly pages start to
appear. At the top of the list is bringing back team creation and
teamjoining capability.

If you happen to get the “select permission denied on table
error message, don’t panic. That just means I’m working with the
database, or an update is running, or whatever. I don’t have an elegant
“stats on / stats off” switch in place yet, so just pretend it says
“sorry, stats are down for programming” instead of whatever funky Sybase
message it does say.

Just through word of mouth (and links from the statsoff page on the old
rc5stats site), the box has been *hammered* today. Even with me working
hard on the database, it’s held up phenomenally well. I think this box
is going to do just fine under the load of a full site and extensive use.
Sybase is handling the load admirably.

CPU usage has barely broken a sweat, and despite all of our best efforts
the box is still actually cranking out rc5 blocks at an impressive rate.
That’s the best test I know for estimating capacity. :)

Thanks for all the inquiries, we’ve gotten no further complaints out of
the hard drive. no new bad sectors, no weirdness at all.

Also, especially, thanks for all the kind words of encouragement the past
few days. I know how patient you’ve all been. It’s extremely gratifying
to see the box actually start to become useful.

Finally, in case you haven’t heard the word, you can actually *see* the
new stats server (and the old one) now. Petr has hooked up a cam to the
old box and they’re both visible.