:: 15-Jan-1999 18:05 (Friday) ::
Greetings from distributed.net!
Our DES-TEST-2 was a successful failure, in that we didn’t find the key
within the 56 hour time frame, but we were able to fully test the
functionality of the clients and proxies. It turns out that the key was
assigned a few hours before the contest closed, but wasn’t returned in
time for a “win.” A sincere thanks to everyone who had their client
participate in the contest.
Now, the big topic. DES Challenge III. DES-III begins at 09:00:00PST/
17:00:00UTC on 99-01-18 which is just next Monday.. We have 56 hours to
find the key. While this may sound difficult, since we didn’t find it
in our second test, keep in mind that there are lots of other elements
that will allow us to speed up between now and then. One of the major
factors is EFF’s Deep Crack. It’s now official, this custom made DES
cracking machine will be checking keys for distributed.net at the rate
of 88Gkey/s.
Many of you have expressed concern to me about having your clients
crunch DES since you won’t get ahead in RC5 stats. First of all, I would
like to remind you that DES-III is very important to distributed.net.
This is our chance to show that large scale Internet distributed computing
can be used for short term contests such as this one. We will be hosting
DES-III statistics, so don’t worry about not having stats throughout
the contest.
At most, this is just 56 hours of your cracking
time, so we would appreciate it very much if you could put RC5 aside
on Monday and check DES keys.
Please take the time and upgrade your clients to the latest v2.7105
clients available on and
. For those of you who
haven’t upgraded recently, the newer v2.710x clients have DES quick-start
code which allows clients to start cracking DES shortly after the
contest begins instead of having to wait for the clients to automatically
flush/fetch blocks. Also, v2.7105 contains Bruce Ford’s new DES MMX
cores. For those of you with x86 MMX processors, you will see a huge
speed increase. I highly recommend you upgrade and be sure you have
DES enabled in your client configuration.
Please be careful about buffers during this contest. We need
quick turnaround with blocks for this contest, so don’t keep hundreds
or thousands of blocks buffered. A setting of 5:5 would be perfect
for the average online client. Personal proxies tend to minimally
buffer about 500 blocks, so please don’t run a pproxy unless your
situation demands that you do.
Thanks again to everyone running the client and to everyone who has been
burning the midnight fuel to get this off the ground. Feel free to
join us in our IRC channel (efnet: #distributed) on Monday to
watch this take off.
Good Luck!
Daniel Baker