:: 28-Dec-1998 17:28 (Monday) ::
Just a few little things, none thrilling, but it’s better than no plan update:
New drive for statsbox-ii
Thanks to the generosity of the fine folks at MacLine, we’ve now got a
nice, new 4gb uw-scsi drive for statsbox-ii. If you’re near their neck
of the woods, have a look at http://www.macline.be for all your mac
needs. Looks like we’re also going to go ahead and spring for a 9gb
drive out of the money that you’ve all been able to raise from iGive
(See my 15-Dec .plan for details). This will give us sufficient
breathing room to move the stats database to a much faster and more
reliable uw-scsi subsystem.
I sure could use adsl
It takes roughly four hours to bcp the tot_team table from statsbox
to me over my ISDN. :)
I made it to work today
Thanks to all the well-wishers, both the wife and I are feeling much
better today.
21-Dec, seeing double?
Yeah, the stats are doubled on 21-Dec. This will be corrected within
the next couple of days. Sorry about the confusion.