:: 18-Dec-1998 00:01 (Friday) ::
More on the Trojan Front…
Seems someone’s been rootkitting linux boxes and installing the client
to crack keys. This is very disheartening that this is happening. I have
worked with two places so far to help them with forensics and recovery
of control of the box.
We know who has been doing this (Duh, you root kit a box, and put your
email address in the .ini file, of course you’re going to get tracked down)
and they are currently in pursuit of criminal action, and I am silenced
to disclosing the name and team of said email address.
All I can say is that once again, Distributed.net does not condone this
practice at all. Ask permission to run clients on all boxes! Violators
will be dealt with, with extreme prejudice.
Also, keep those speeds rolling in… http://www.distributed.net/speeds/